I have been into the paranormal since I was a kid. I have enjoyed all kinds of topics such as the Loch Ness Monster and UFOs. However one of my favorites of all time has got to be the big guy “bigfoot”. Bigfoot is always been one of those hot topics which people completely do not believe in or are completely devoted to finding it. Not only is the topic hot blooded but so are the different character types within the Sasquatch community. The community has it all, from true believers to the individual's who are in it to make a fast buck. There are even a number of infamous individuals who are complete hoaxers and proud of it. The topic of Bigfoot is hot at the moment and everyone seems to have his or her thoughts on the subject. This blog is my take on recent Bigfoot sightings reports and alleged evidence found. Whether Bigfoot/Sasquatch is real or not really doesn’t make a difference, it’s still quite a story to ponder. From the indigenous Indians to modern times Bigfoot is the shining star of the Cryptozoology world. Is bigfoot real, you decide!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Bigfoot Researcher's Groups

Sasquatch is supposedly a large, hairy ape-like creature that lives in the forests of North America. They are said to resemble a brown or black man standing about seven feet tall. According to Native American folklore, Sasquatch came from the spiritual world when the Creator made them. Sasquatch is sometimes referred to as "wild man" or "hairy man". Bigfoot is usually seen lumbering around on two legs but they can walk on fours when they need the extra stability. It's not unusual for someone who encounters a Sasquatch to feel threatened and intimidated because of their size and how they charge at people with their arms outstretched and make loud barking sounds according to bigfoot researchers.

Sasquatch is a controversial topic that is highly debated. Some believe in the existence of Sasquatch but most do not. There are still many unanswered questions about bigfoot and no one really knows what they are or where they came from. Many researchers have gone to extreme lengths to find out more about these elusive creatures, ranging from scientists to police officers, yet none have ever produced any solid evidence proving the existence of these giant hairy creatures.

Bigfoot Researcher's Groups

One of the biggest problems faced by bigfoot researchers is how to successfully capture a Sasquatch. Many of the animals they have tried to capture have escaped and there was never a single video or sound recording of a Sasquatch. If they exist, then why can't we find any evidence? The truth is out there and someday we will find it. In order to do this, a trap must be made but what kind of trap should it be? Traps can range from the very simple to the very complicated. It is also important for the person building the trap to have an idea of what Sasquatch behavior is like so that they can build a trap that will work.

Sasquatch are usually found in forest habitats, especially areas near water or rivers. They also tend to stick to wooded areas (even though they can be seen in some suburban and residential neighborhoods) and rarely venture out into open spaces. They have been sighted crossing rivers but only when they need to and most will avoid the open water if possible. So a trap built for a Sasquatch should preferably cover an area where one would expect them to travel through, such as near a river or lake.

There have been many different kinds of traps built by different bigfoot researchers over the years but they all had one thing in common, all of them were proven unsuccessful. Some of these traps have been built to catch the Sasquatch, lure them towards it and then prevent them from getting away. These traps have been very elaborate and expensive but they never worked. Most of the traps that were designed used a bait method in which it would trigger when something took the bait. The idea is that when the bait is taken, it will cause an action to occur in the trap.

bigfoot researcher's groups:

1. Sasquatch Recon Team [SRT] 

2. Bigfoot Research Associates [BRA] 

3. Footprints & Screams [F&S] 

4. North America Bigfoot Search [NABS]

5. Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization [BFRO] 

6. Bigfoot 911

bigfoot researcher's groups techniques:

1. DNA testing of hair samples

2. Visual and audio recordings 

3. Documenting footprints

4. Documenting other evidence

sasquatch researcher's groups techniques:

1. Visual and audio recordings 

2. Photographing footprints; using cameras to capture Bigfoot photographs and foot prints in the wilds, such as hiking trails, vacant forests, swamps, etc... 

3. Documentation of other evidence, such as Sasquatch vocalizations, sleeping patterns, etc... 

sasquatch researcher's groups equipment:

1. Handheld digital cameras

2. Digital video recorders 

3. Microphones 

4. Binoculars 

5. Military infrared scopes [military grade binoculars] and infrared night vision goggles [NODS] 

6. Trail cameras 

7. Remote trail cameras, wireless trail cameras, and motion activated trail cams [to capture Bigfoot video and photos in the wilderness] 

8. GPS units 

9. Field telephones

10. Geiger counter [set to measure radiation levels/fields in the woods and wilderness]

11. Electronic voice synthesizer [to mimic Sasquatch vocalizations] 

12. Wireless microphones and speakers for outdoor applications 

13. Mobile mapping systems and global positioning system (GPS) equipped vehicles for rugged terrain, such as forest trails, mountain fields, swampy areas, etc...

14. Land survey equipment [to measure land] 

15. Computerized Global Positioning System (CGP)

16. Laser range finders 

17. Night vision goggles [military grade night vision goggles to capture Bigfoot video and photos at night or in low light conditions] 

18. Infrared trail cameras with heat sensors for use in cold weather conditions 

19. Seismic sensors for detecting Bigfoot vocalizations and explosive vocalizations [like infrasound] 

Bigfoot Sounds

Bigfoot is a mythological apelike creature said to inhabit forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Alleged witnesses describe Big Foot as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid. However, scientists have not been able to find any evidence of human sized ape nor any species that matches the reported facts about it. The topic is not widely studied outside the United States and is commonly dismissed as a folklore story, legend or tall tale. There are a number of audio recordings that purport to be recordings of the creature's growls and other noises but these are typically dismissed by mainstream scientists as hoaxes or misidentifications of animals such as bears and big cats.

Bigfoot is sometimes described as having a strong, unpleasant smell by those who claim to have encountered it. The scientific community has yet to find any evidence of such an animal's existence. The source of the smell is not known, but researchers suspect that it may be due to bacterial action on sweat or rotting meat. The smell is more of a musty-sour odor than a strong, unbearable one. It is hard to describe the smell, it has been compared to the smell of stale greasy hair that has not been washed for several months. 

Bigfoot Sounds

Some researchers believe that Big Foot may be an extinct bipedal primate, rather than an ape. The most commonly proposed candidate species include:

Occasionally other species have been proposed as candidates for the Bigfoot legend, such as Gigantopithecus (Giant Ape) or "Protanthropus" (the Missing Link). Proponents of these claims cite alleged fossil evidence.

What kind of sounds do bigfoot make? it is said that bigfoots make a variety of sounds from whistles to growls, and they may also grunt from time to time. this is all speculation though. it is hard to say for sure what kind of sounds they make because it has never been proven 100 percent. Bigfoots are shy creatures who often hide and stay away from people so they don't get seen or heard making any kind of sound. Sounds vary from species to species. It is hard to say what kind of sounds sasquatches actually make because if no one has actually seen them making these sounds, then it can't be said for sure. It is also hard to say if the noises were made by a male or female because there has been no known evidence that points this out.

It is also noted that bigfoots are known to make a variety of sounds, including shrieking noises, growls and screams. The “roars” are not really roaring at all but more like loud screams or yells, something you might hear from an injured bear or other large mammal. There are a few recordings of these sounds that have been made by people in the areas where bigfoots live. Of course, it is hard to say for sure that any of the sounds were really made by bigfoots and not someone or something else. There are many vocalizations used by different types of apes and monkeys. Most are either alarm or threat calls or warning signals, while others are used during sexual and aggressive encounters.