I have been into the paranormal since I was a kid. I have enjoyed all kinds of topics such as the Loch Ness Monster and UFOs. However one of my favorites of all time has got to be the big guy “bigfoot”. Bigfoot is always been one of those hot topics which people completely do not believe in or are completely devoted to finding it. Not only is the topic hot blooded but so are the different character types within the Sasquatch community. The community has it all, from true believers to the individual's who are in it to make a fast buck. There are even a number of infamous individuals who are complete hoaxers and proud of it. The topic of Bigfoot is hot at the moment and everyone seems to have his or her thoughts on the subject. This blog is my take on recent Bigfoot sightings reports and alleged evidence found. Whether Bigfoot/Sasquatch is real or not really doesn’t make a difference, it’s still quite a story to ponder. From the indigenous Indians to modern times Bigfoot is the shining star of the Cryptozoology world. Is bigfoot real, you decide!

Saturday, October 2, 2021


What is the Mothman? The Mothman is a legendary creature that has been reported in Point Pleasant, West Virginia since 1967. The Mothman is sometimes described as an ape-like humanoid with large black wings. The Mothman is often reported to fly through the night and flap its large black wings. Witnesses also claim to see glowing red eyes on the creature.

In brief, sightings of the Mothman have spanned six decades, including several years when multiple reports came in each month. In Point Pleasant, West Virginia, people have been reporting sightings of a figure known as the Mothman. This creature is described as being between 7 and 10 feet tall with glowing red eyes and a wingspan that spans over 10 feet. The Mothman first appeared in 1966 when five men were digging a grave near a tree line on a military base. The Mothman has been reported to be seen throughout the United States and Canada since 1966.


It has been seen in West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Tennessee, Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois. People who have seen the Mothman describe it as a large man-like creature with giant wings that may be up to 12 feet wide. Some people say that this creature often appears before disasters happen like earthquakes or floods. There are many different theories about the origin of this creature; some say it was an alien, while others claim it was a ghost. The most popular legend states that it is a warning from God that the end of the world or some other catastrophe is near and that we should repent and change our ways.

In any case, sightings of the Mothman have been on the rise since the 1990s. Number of Sightings According to the Mothman website, there have been over 1,800 reported sightings of the Mothman since 1966. That’s an average of about 60 reports per year. However, the number of sightings has picked up considerably in recent years. Over the last decade alone, there have been over 400 reported sightings per year. 

In conclusion, there is a lot of controversy over the sightings of the Mothman. The Mothman was seen quite a lot in the 1960’s and is still talked about today. Some people believe that the Mothman is a true creature, but others say it is nothing but a hoax. Furthermore, some people think that the Mothman is connected to the UFO phenomenon. Finally, some people think that the Mothman is an actual alien species. Who knows what the Mothman really is?  I hope you enjoyed this article. If you did, please like, comment, and subscribe!

Where Bigfoot has been spotted?

 Where Bigfoot has been spotted? In fact, there are over 200 different towns and cities all over the United States where people claim to have seen or heard Sasquatch. Some of these sightings are rather credible, while others are almost certainly hoaxes. It is difficult to distinguish the truth from the fiction, which is why it's so important to have sources that can cross check each other. When it comes to Bigfoot sightings, there are a few websites that have collected Bigfoot sightings from around the world. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the more credible reports of Bigfoot sightings and talk about what we know about this elusive cryptid. 

First, I would like to say that I personally believe there is some sort of giant human-like creature roaming the forests of North America. In fact, I believe there is a very good chance it is indeed a Sasquatch (Bigfoot) that is the source of all those reported sightings. First, let’s start with a definition: A Sasquatch is a cryptid (that is, a creature that is supposed to exist but hasn’t been proven to exist) that is described as resembling a large, hairy human being. It is tall and muscular. It walks on two legs and has long arms. It is believed to be very intelligent and more or less peaceful. There are some Bigfoot-like creatures, such as the yeti and the abominable snowman , that aren’t described as being the same size and strength of a Sasquatch.

Sasquatches have appeared in folklore and mythology across much of the world since ancient times. They have also been the subject of numerous modern reports and scientific studies. Although there has never been any physical evidence found to support their existence, sasquatches remain a part of popular culture. Absolutely nobody knows for sure if Sasquatches exist or not. But that hasn’t stopped people from reporting strange things they’ve seen in the wild. Theres a good chance that some of these sightings and encounters (if they're to be believed) involved people crossing paths with real Sasquatches.

Where Bigfoot has been spotted?

Where Bigfoot has been spotted mostly? There are lots of places where Bigfoot has been spotted, including many that I would never expect. But to me, there are two main areas in the U.S. where Bigfoot has been reported the most. One is in the northwest corner of Washington State and southeastern corner of British Columbia near Mt. St. Helen’s. The other area is a giant chunk of real estate from central California all the way up to north Wyoming, with lots of sightings reported from Colorado, Idaho and Montana as well.

Besides those regions, there are also reports of Bigfoot sightings in Alabama, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Now that we have a general idea where Sasquatches are being spotted, let’s start talking about some of these sightings. While the majority of sightings are reported by people who are out hiking , fishing , or camping, there are also people who have spotted Bigfoot while they were just relaxing in their backyard.

On February 21, 2016, a man from Texas recorded a strange sighting from his porch around 10:40 p.m. “I was just sitting on the back patio relaxing and a strange humanoid creature came out of the woods and stood there looking at me for a few seconds. I'm not sure what it was. I'm not positive it was a Bigfoot, but I'm almost positive it wasn't human.”

Another Sasquatch sighting that has caught the attention of researchers happened in 2008 in an area called Perdidos, in southwest Mexico. “The witness was driving (along Perdidos beach road) on February 20 2008, at around 9:00 am when he saw a strange creature through the windshield of his car. It was walking away from the road and toward the ocean, so he thought it would be a good idea to stop and get a better look.”

Bigfoot Sighting the Dalles, Oregon From a report submitted by a resident of the town named Tom: "I was with a friend fishing in the river near where Bigfoot is rumored to live. We were only casting from about 30-50 feet away from shore. We were fishing in a small pool in the river when we saw a splash in the middle of the pool. I thought it was another fish. The splash got bigger and bigger and then all of a sudden something came out of the water onto shore. It was very dark (bigfoot is gray) and it went straight for the woods. We were both shocked. It scared my friend so bad he almost jumped into my car. It was right about a 30 feet from us and we both saw it clearly. It turned around and looked at us for a few seconds. We ran up the bank and down the other side of river as fast as we could, to be safe.

Compared to other regions of the world, the United States has an unusually high number of Bigfoot sightings. This has led to the popular belief that the Sasquatch is an inhabitant of the United States. In fact, the presence of Sasquatch in North America is one of the biggest mysteries in cryptozoology. Scientists have been doing a lot of research on this creature because if sasquatches really exist, it could be evidence for the existence of other creatures that may also be real. The majority of Bigfoot sightings in the United States have occurred in the Pacific Northwest. The state of Washington has experienced the most sightings in the country, followed by California and Oregon.

I think it is highly likely that there are at least some cryptids (in other words, things we can’t see — animals — or people) in the United States. However, the area I’m most interested in is right here: Right here in Arizona and southern Utah. Bigfoot sightings and encounters with Sasquatch and/or Yeti (a Yeti-like creature) have been reported all over this region for many years now. We don’t know what it is, but I think that Yeti-like creatures exist as well as Bigfoot-like creatures (Sasquatches).