I have been into the paranormal since I was a kid. I have enjoyed all kinds of topics such as the Loch Ness Monster and UFOs. However one of my favorites of all time has got to be the big guy “bigfoot”. Bigfoot is always been one of those hot topics which people completely do not believe in or are completely devoted to finding it. Not only is the topic hot blooded but so are the different character types within the Sasquatch community. The community has it all, from true believers to the individual's who are in it to make a fast buck. There are even a number of infamous individuals who are complete hoaxers and proud of it. The topic of Bigfoot is hot at the moment and everyone seems to have his or her thoughts on the subject. This blog is my take on recent Bigfoot sightings reports and alleged evidence found. Whether Bigfoot/Sasquatch is real or not really doesn’t make a difference, it’s still quite a story to ponder. From the indigenous Indians to modern times Bigfoot is the shining star of the Cryptozoology world. Is bigfoot real, you decide!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

How many people believe in bigfoot?

 How many people believe in bigfoot? Thats a very interesting question is it not? let's begin with what is a bigfoot anyway? A bigfoot is a primate that is thought to be a large hairy ape-like creature, making it seem like a possible candidate for the elusive sasquatch. It is also known as "a cryptid" or "an alpha-predator". It has been said in some circles that bigfoots could stand more than 10 feet tall and weigh up to half a ton.

Some people say they live in remote parts of North America, while others believe that there are pockets of them all around the world. Whatever you believe about these creatures, there are many people who have seen them in person and swear on their existence. I personally do not believe that there is any true creature out there that does not have a logical explanation. 

First a little history on bigfoot, sightings have around for decades. Sasquatch was in American Indian spoken word for countless years. Way before becoming s pop icon around the world. The first real sightings of this creature were made by natives. Most people wondered why Indians would talk about sasquatch, furthermore they wondered why they would take the time to draw pictures of them. At that time not many people believed them so they called them crazy and dismissed their claims. 

How many people believe in bigfoot?

Fast forward to the 1700s when European settlers came across Native Americans who talked about these creatures, the settlers thought this was nonsense and ignored their stories as well. Then Europeans started seeing bigfoot for themselves, so much so that a lot of people had never believed in them before actually start seeing them for themselves. The first non-natives to see bigfoot were trappers and hunters in the Pacific Northwest. The Indians believed that these creatures were put on earth by the Great Spirit. The white man began to view this mythical creature as the ultimate unknown creature. 

Bigfoot, hairy man, sasquatch has been in indigenous Indian folklore far longer than we actually know. The first reported mention of sasquatch was in journals by David Thompson, a Canadian-American fur trapper. He is credited as being first to describe the creature as "the spirit of the woods", on June 29, 1799. The native American word sasquatch is believed to have been derived from a Cree Indian word for "wild man." A legend told among the Cree Nation states that a tribe would send out many scouts and warriors to fight off these wild men before they would commit themselves to war. Bigfoot is largely accepted and respected within the American Indian culture. Hopefully I have explained well, I mean no disrespect at all. Now going back to the original question.

Sasquatch is the most widely reported sighting of an unidentified creature in the world. Many sightings and reports have been made from across America and across the globe. It's not only the Indians who have seen these creatures. It's a bigfoot sighting on record for almost every state. I live in Pennsylvania; I've heard plenty of stories growing up about sightings that have occurred right here in my state. Bigfoot is a hairy hominid that resides mainly in forested areas throughout North America.

How many people believe in bigfoot? We are talking about the general public now. Many people around the world believe in bigfoot and have reported sightings. There is a lot of evidence that suggests that bigfoot is truly a living creature. He has been spotted by hundreds and even thousands of people who swear they know what they saw. Many people have also seen his tracks and those tracks are so large no man could fit into them. 

Then why don't more governments or law enforcement officials openly acknowledge their existence? They choose not to at this time because they need more information and data about them before they can do that. Many people still believe in bigfoot. It's a matter of fact that every time these creatures are spotted by the public or reported it sparks quite a controversy online. You can't make someone believe something that they didn't before you mention it.

The arguments against bigfoot are mostly anecdotal evidence and various personal experiences with them. The most common argument is that they are just too supernatural to be taken seriously; however, this does not mean there aren't truths within these stories. There have been numerous reports of bigfoot in Civil War era tunnels under the Gettysburg battlefield (see section below), and there have been documented sightings of the creature being quite aggressive when they appear on film or photographs.

Most law enforcement agencies are not aware of the existence of this creature. Some of them do know and don't believe in it. Others still are starting to believe what the public is saying about him. I will give you my personal opinion of the whole bigfoot phenomenon in my state. Pennsylvania has the most Bigfoot sightings by far than any other state. Pennsylvania is home to many large national parks including the Poconos Mountains, Allegheny National Forest, and many more forests that have reported sightings. 

Pennsylvania Bigfoot sightings date back centuries and they continue today as a more recent trend within the state's counties. Some are taking a closer look at it and evaluating their own encounters that they might have had. At least one government agency (FBI) has admitted to pursuing scientific research in the existence of these creatures at least once.

In conclusion, I believe it's fair to say quite a number of folks believe in bigfoot. After all, there's plenty of evidence to suggest some sort of sasquatch is out there. The truth is, bigfoot has been documented all over the world in different cultures and centuries. He has been seen in Civil War era tunnels beneath the Gettysburg battlefield. There have also been reports of his aggressive behaviors when he's discovered on film or photographs. Biologist and historian Jeff Meldrum believes that there have been great strides made toward debunking hoaxes and folk legends. I believe not, but that a lot of these folks are just individuals who want to believe in something that is unexplainable. Many people who are witness to this creature still maintain strong faith in its existence and some even go so far as to say they've encountered it themselves. 

Also, if you've got an opinion or theory to share, leave a note in the comments below! Read on for more articles about bigfoots sightings in North America and around the world! It's not as crazy as they say.

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