I have been into the paranormal since I was a kid. I have enjoyed all kinds of topics such as the Loch Ness Monster and UFOs. However one of my favorites of all time has got to be the big guy “bigfoot”. Bigfoot is always been one of those hot topics which people completely do not believe in or are completely devoted to finding it. Not only is the topic hot blooded but so are the different character types within the Sasquatch community. The community has it all, from true believers to the individual's who are in it to make a fast buck. There are even a number of infamous individuals who are complete hoaxers and proud of it. The topic of Bigfoot is hot at the moment and everyone seems to have his or her thoughts on the subject. This blog is my take on recent Bigfoot sightings reports and alleged evidence found. Whether Bigfoot/Sasquatch is real or not really doesn’t make a difference, it’s still quite a story to ponder. From the indigenous Indians to modern times Bigfoot is the shining star of the Cryptozoology world. Is bigfoot real, you decide!

Bigfoot The Legend

Folklore speaks of several different kinds of monsters. Some creatures are believed to be true while others are believed to be made up, figments of the imagination. Regardless of if these wild creatures are hearsay or not, there is one of these beings that stands out more than others. And that title belongs to the monster known as Bigfoot. The legendary Bigfoot has a long history and reputation as a wild creature that some have claim to have seen. So many stories exist about this strange being. The story and the legend of Bigfoot is over a century old.

There is a lot of information on the legend of Bigfoot and what this creature is. Bigfoot is believed to be a large, apelike creature that walks upright on two legs. It lives deep in the forests of North America, which it is most commonly associated with. The earliest known stories about this creature appeared in the 1800s, and they have continued to appear into modern times. There are stories about different kinds of Bigfoot, such as they’re being a “Bigfoot” and “Bigfoot’s sister” (the "Sasquatch ").

One common belief about Bigfoot is that it looks like a man walking on its hind legs. They have an ape-like appearance. Bigfoot is described by eyewitnesses and those who have claimed to see it, as having dark, often brown or black hair that hangs down to their waist. Bigfoot has two different appearances. It is said to be either completely covered in hair or just have a mane of hair on its head and shoulders. The creature is also known as "Sasquatch" or “Yeti” (it has the same meaning in various languages).

There are many stories about Bigfoot’s appearance. Many witnesses claim that they have seen a face with dark eyes, though those are merely claims and there has not been any proof of such a beast being real. Some describe Bigfoot’s fingers as being almost twice as long as a human’s. Others say that Bigfoot has a large nose and smells like rotting carcasses. It is also said to have very bad body odor, presumably from the fact that it lives deep in the forest, away from civilization and humans. The creature is supposedly around seven feet tall and weighs right around 500 pounds. It has the same diet as other primates: fruit, berries, nuts, meat (likely from carcasses) and fish.

Bigfoot is known mostly for its abilities to walk easily along forested areas with little difficulty. Sightings of Bigfoot have been reported in North America dating back as far as 1810. Most of these sightings have occurred in the Pacific Northwest, in places such as Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and particularly California. It is also said to live in Canada and also in Eastern parts of the United States. In 1818, a giant wild man was seen by a group of trappers. The creature was reported to be over eight feet tall and covered completely with hair except for its face that sported a full beard. It was first known as “the wild man” or “the American giant” but later became known as Bigfoot. A group of men who were trapping beaver along the Stikine River saw this creature.

There is a legend about BIGFOOT that if you look into the eyes of Bigfoot and live you will be cursed. There are many legends about Bigfoot but this one stands out the most. It is told in that if somebody comes across these creatures then they must never look into their eyes or they will become cursed and die a horrible death, filled with pain. The legend says that when you see this creature's eyes, it will create an illusion of what you want to do unconsciously. The legend adds to say "a person who has seen them, starts getting sleepy and then dies.

Either way if you happen to see or be in the presence of a bigfoot, be very careful. I believe your best bet would be to leave the bigfoot alone and let it roam on. It just might save your life according to some in the field.

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