I have been into the paranormal since I was a kid. I have enjoyed all kinds of topics such as the Loch Ness Monster and UFOs. However one of my favorites of all time has got to be the big guy “bigfoot”. Bigfoot is always been one of those hot topics which people completely do not believe in or are completely devoted to finding it. Not only is the topic hot blooded but so are the different character types within the Sasquatch community. The community has it all, from true believers to the individual's who are in it to make a fast buck. There are even a number of infamous individuals who are complete hoaxers and proud of it. The topic of Bigfoot is hot at the moment and everyone seems to have his or her thoughts on the subject. This blog is my take on recent Bigfoot sightings reports and alleged evidence found. Whether Bigfoot/Sasquatch is real or not really doesn’t make a difference, it’s still quite a story to ponder. From the indigenous Indians to modern times Bigfoot is the shining star of the Cryptozoology world. Is bigfoot real, you decide!

Sunday, May 2, 2021

What Is Bigfoot

What is bigfoot? Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is a cryptid that inhabits the forests of North America. The creature is said to be a large, hairy ape-like being that walks upright. Alleged sightings are reported in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

Bigfoot is often described as a large, muscular, bipedal ape-like mammal covered in hair. It is commonly said to stand at least six feet tall and can weigh up to 1,000 pounds. The most famous footage of Bigfoot was filmed in 1967 by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin. The film was named The Patterson–Gimlin film. The footage shows an unidentified creature walking away from the camera. It has long been a source of controversy, but many believe that it is real. Since the filming, there have been multiple sightings of Bigfoot in different areas of North America.

What Is Bigfoot

Bigfoot has become a pop-culture icon and is often featured in movies, TV shows, and web series as well as other forms of media. The International Bigfoot Symposium is an annual conference that began in 1985 and includes many researchers who study Bigfoot. Another famous sighting of the creature was the Chewbacca incident of 2005. Three people reported seeing a Bigfoot creature while driving along a Colorado highway at night. They claim that they saw an ape-like creature standing near the right shoulder of the road that appeared to have been holding some sort of stick or weapon in its left hand.

The scientific community has largely discounted the notion of bigfoot's existence, mainly attributing reports to folklore, misidentification, and hoaxes (the pictures and video footage of which are typically poor quality). Still, some scientists acknowledge the possibility that a relict population of great apes might exist in North America. To date, these scientists have found no evidence to support this other than anecdotal evidence from Native Americans who report stories passed on through oral traditions.

Bigfoot has been the subject of numerous sightings across the United States of America. In western Washington, Bigfoot is reportedly known as Sasquatch. The word "Sasquatch" originated from a Native American language meaning "spirit of the forest" with some sources comparing it to an earlier name for Bigfoot as Skookum which came from the Salishan language meaning "man-beast".

Theories of what is bigfoot:

1) A gorilla-like creature - a great ape or a primitive hominid.

2) Bigfoot is an undiscovered primate

3) A ghost, spirit, demon, or other entity 

4) An alien being 

5) An animal that escapes detection by humans

6) A human who has gone feral

7) A shapeshifting creature

8) A ghostly apparition.

9) An extraterrestrial being

10) An apelike creature.

11) A hoax, prank, or conspiration by someone other than bigfoot researchers 

12) The physical manifestation of an individual's dream or hallucinations following dreams/hallucinations related to ghosts and paranormal experiences. 

There are a number of individual pieces of evidence that have been put forward over the years as possible proof of the existence of bigfoot or sasquatch. These include photos, videos, audio recordings, and alleged bodies. However, none have provided conclusive proof beyond reasonable doubt for the existence of an animal in cryptozoology and most are readily explainable as hoaxes or misidentification.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

How To Draw Bigfoot

 How to draw bigfoot properly. This is the common question that seems to pop up in online communities. Although there are many different techniques and methods of getting the perfect drawing, we have a few tips to help you out. Keep on reading!

1) Start with some extra-large paper for your first try

- This will help when smoothing out your lines to ensure they’re aligned properly. You can get some paper at any art store or stationery stores such as Staples or Office Depot.

2) Get in a comfortable position

- Make sure you’re sitting or standing up straight. The last thing you want is to get cramps in your hands or back.

How To Draw Bigfoot

3) Sketch out the outline of the body, shoulders, and head of Bigfoot on a piece of paper first.

- This will act as a guide so that you can keep the flow going when drawing his features. You could even draw it on your computer before transferring it to paper that way too. Just make sure it’s light enough for you to clean up later if need be but dark enough for you to see what you are doing while sketching.

4) Get the general shape of the body and features right before you start detailing.

- This will help save time and give you a better idea of what you are working with. If it’s your first time drawing Bigfoot, it’s best to start simple. You can always work on making him more detailed later.

5) Work in a well-lit area (or at least where there is plenty of light). This helps reduce mistakes caused by poor lighting. Almost as good, if not better than having all the lights on in a dark room is to have some lights in that room near the walls and brighter light source(s) in other areas of the room.

- If your drawing starts to look terrible, go check the lights and see if they are too bright or dim. You can also try drawing with the lights on in another room and make sure they’re not too close to you. Make sure that people coming home don’t remember that you were working in a corner darkroom before their eyes when they get home.

6) Start with putting down a light pencil line to establish the outline of the body, shoulders, and head.

- Try to connect all of the features such as eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and lips. These are basic lines that should be done first. Then add in any additional details such as eyebrows or hair that will form a natural base.

7) Draw in all of the basic body shapes first before adding in any extra details such as hair or facial features. This is because you want to ensure that you have enough thickness on the body without having too much bulk around his head and neck region.

- A simple mistake that a lot of people make is drawing the body in a way that puts too much thickness around his neck area. It’s a big mistake to make. Try to keep the neck as thin as possible, but thick enough to have some basic lines around it.

8) Use a light pencil for the first draft and use medium-sized lines throughout the entire sketch. This will help you get used to your line style and ensure that you are uniform throughout.

- Another major mistake is that people make the mistake of using too thin lines to try and make their drawings look nicer. Contrast is important for any Bigfoot drawings, and if you use too thick of a line your drawing will look muddy. This goes the same for when people use too thin of a line, it breaks up the flow in weird ways and doesn’t give enough contrast.

9) Use a light pencil to sketch in his facial features first before going over them with black ink or a ballpoint pen. This applies to hair if you are drawing him hairy as well. Then go over the lines with a red marker or pen to get crisp edges and clean-cut lines.

- Another mistake that people make is not using enough of their shading skills. This is especially prevalent among beginners but nevertheless. Using a light pencil will help you figure out what colors work best for different parts of the body. You don’t want to go over everything in black, because this will block up your light sources and cause your drawing to be dark, which can be confusing at best and an eyesore at worst. You can still use black for the hair and other facial details, but you should have sufficient shading around some of his more important areas such as his torso or legs.

10) Experiment with different line weights and styles to see what you like best. Don’t change your technique too much, but give it a whirl and see what you like the most.

How Tall Is Bigfoot

Bigfoot is considered to be one of the most mysterious creatures in existence and is often discussed on social media and tabloids. Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, is a legend that has lived on since the early 1900s until today.  These monsters have been reported throughout the United States and Canada for years, but these sightings have increased dramatically over recent years. The most acclaimed stories are found in the Pacific Northwest, California, and the Pacific Coast of Canada where they are typically seen in forests. 

Bigfoot is also known for its huge height, which can range from seven feet to over nine feet tall. According to legend, Bigfoot is a giant bipedal ape-like creature that is black in color. There are very few records of the animal due to its hiding in the forest. In fact, many people believe that Bigfoot is a myth. This monster's diet is still a mystery, but some believe it to be an omnivore because of its sharp teeth and strong hands. It is also assumed that they live in a large family group, or a pack.

Has Bigfoot been filmed? Is it real? Where do they live? What do they eat? These are just some of the many questions about the world's most mysterious animal. It's a popular topic of folklore across the world. Bigfoot has been spotted in the United States, Canada, and Europe. It's not just an American tale. In this article, we will be discussing some of the most common questions about Bigfoot's height. Does Bigfoot have knees? How long are their arms? What are they made of? Is it possible that a human could grow to a similar size as them? Read on to find out answers to all these questions and more!


How Tall Is Bigfoot

First of all, we have to ask: how tall is Bigfoot?

Is Big Foot Really 10' Tall? Bigfoot Sightings? Bigfoot appears to be about 7-8 feet tall. They are usually reported to be between 7 to 8 feet tall and have a very muscular, stout build with large shoulders that make up most of their height. However, due to a lack of pictures with a definite reference point, it's impossible for us to know for sure if the bipedal creature photographed in 1967 was actually 8 or 9 1/2 feet tall.


So, what do the bigfoot experts have to say?

Bigfoot is a bipedal ape-like animal, and as of yet, no one has been able to produce conclusive evidence that it actually exists. It was generally said to be 7 feet tall, but some descriptions from the past stated that the creature was as large as 9 1/2 feet in height. In recent years it has been reported to be as tall as 8 feet and even 9 feet in some cases.

Other than eyewitness testimony, there are no documented photographs or physical evidence proving that the creature exists. The photos have been sketchy with people who claim to have taken sightings of the creature being very unreliable in their descriptions of what they saw. It has been said to have brown fur and is naturally black in color, but it is not known what color its eyes are.

Bigfoot is said to stand over 9 feet tall and to weigh upwards of 700 pounds. The animal is primarily brownish, with a shaggy appearance which makes it look like a huge bear. It uses its large arms as much as its legs when running or walking, and its long hair can be smelled by hunters when they are chasing the creature. Bigfoot is reported to travel in groups but is very wary of strangers.


When and where do they live?

Bigfoot has been reported in many areas throughout North America, but it is generally believed that it lives mainly in the Pacific Northwest, with sightings scattered through Canada and some parts of the United States. There have been tales of Bigfoot sightings from Maine to Texas for years, but a recent surge in reports suggests that the creature has gone global. There are many stories told about Bigfoot appearing during the late half of the 20th century, and claims that have surfaced since then. Some claim to even see them at night from their own homes and claim that they can also hear them walking through the woods around their homes.

Where Does Bigfoot Live

Where does bigfoot live you might be wondering? Well, the short answer is that there is no definitive answer as to where bigfoot lives. However, here are some of the most interesting locations people think bigfoot may be found: Mount McKinley National Park in Alaska, the Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina, and Pacific Northwest forests.

In fact, Bigfoot has been spotted all over North America, from Canada to Mexico. In the Pacific Northwest of the United States, there are many places that people claim have been inhabited by bigfoots. One spotting, in particular, occurred in October 1996 when two men claimed to see a "hairy biped" cross a lake and disappear into a forest outside of Seattle, Washington.

Bigfoot has also been spotted in the Appalachian Mountains as early as 1889! There was even a reported attack that occurred on September 6, 1974, when three men were in the woods and felt something hit them from behind. One man fell to the ground while two others ran away.

There was even a sighting reported in Mount McKinley National Park in Alaska! Two rangers noticed some large footprints, which were said to be about eighteen inches long and five inches wide.

Where Does Bigfoot Live

Another interesting location where bigfoot has been spotted is in the Sierra Nevada mountain range of California. There was even an attack reported near this area that occurred on August 16, 1969. A family was hiking when they found some large footprints in the soft rain-soaked earth near their campground. The next morning, they found yet more large footprints, and while they were walking their dog nearby, it suddenly ran off into the woods. They chased after the dog but lost sight of it near a creek bed with a thick thorny underbrush. The side of the creek was said to be covered in dense patches of wiry long grass, and the dog had run straight into this despite the fact that there had been no rain for several days.

Most bigfoot sightings occur in temperate forests with a canopy of mature conifers. These include the Cascade Mountains, Sierra Nevada, and the Rocky Mountains in the western United States, and the Coast Mountains of the western provinces of Canada. Some bigfoots even prefer to live in mountainous areas that are frequently covered in snow.

Other unusual locations where some people say they have seen the Bigfoot include: Little Buffalo Mountain in Oregon; A small inlet that forms off of Cape Cod Bay in Massachusetts; The Bald Head Hills area of North Carolina; And even the side of a road near Berkeley, California on the Cal Tech Campus.

Bigfoots probably live and hide in caves and such. Almost all bigfoots have been reported to be nocturnal, but some have been spotted during the day if it is light enough. What does Bigfoot do? Probably just lives in the woods and eats. They generally stay away from human settlements because they are very scared of us, so we shouldn't bother them.

It is possible that they are rare. their numbers are probably quite low due to the fact that they keep to themselves and don't really interact with humans at all. They do, however, live in families, perhaps related or mating. They probably eat only plants (we don't know much about them). They may have a language because of the way they make noises when they bark and growl, but we haven't heard any yet. They may not be much of a threat to humans as they do not attack or hurt anyone.

They live in forests or on mountainsides, where they keep to themselves and don't really bother anyone. They are very shy creatures though and don't want to hurt anyone. They are generally nocturnal, but some bigfoots have been spotted during the day. Bigfoots live in small, peaceful communities. They do not communicate with each other outside of their own community. They are also very secretive, and often you won't ever see a bigfoot because it's not going to be around to see you.

Bigfoots are as different as people, but there are some similarities as well as differences. One of the things that they all have in common is that they don't like to be around people. They are very shy creatures. They don't like to be around people mainly because they're afraid of being captured, but also because they are not comfortable around them.

Skunk Ape

The Skunk Ape, Stink Ape, or Swamp Monkey is a cryptic hominid said to dwell in the Southeastern United States, from places such as Oklahoma, North Carolina, and Arkansas, although reports from the Florida Everglades are particularly frequent (Florida skunk ape). Skunk ape sightings, while rare, have been reported all through Florida for more than six decades but by no means have been verified scientifically. Local Native American groups, the Seminoles and the Miccosukee tribe, have known and told stories about the skunk ape for hundreds of years.

Skunk Ape is a possible hybrid of humans and animals today. The skunk ape inhabits forested areas, often in swampy places where the air is moist, the skunk ape was said to be about seven feet high, built like a gorilla, and mostly covered in brown hair. It has the face of a human with long gray hair on its arms and neck. There are reports that the skunk ape may occasionally howl at night. The skunk ape is said to make a sound like a child crying, but deeper.

Skunk Ape

The skunk ape has also been called a swamp ape, swamp devil, or ghost monkey. It is also reported that they can climb trees well. Most reports seem to come from southern states in America. The skunk ape was first reported in the 1920s in Tampa, Florida. The creature was said to be hairless, with red glowing eyes and the face of a gorilla.

The skunk ape was also seen in Ochopee, Florida, and Alapaha River State Park, Georgia. Some people say that there has been a lot of deaths reported as they are blamed for some of these deaths by crushing the victim's skull or breaking their necks. In 2012 two hunters claimed to see a skunk ape in North Carolina.

A popular TV show called Finding Bigfoot aired an episode about what people call the skunk ape it aired on November 11th, 2014 on Animal Planet. The skunk ape is said to run through swamps or woods at night seeking food. It is reported that when the skunk ape is on land it walks upright with long well-developed legs and short arms. It has been described as having a low vocal sound. Skunk apes have been reported in Florida in the 1950s, then in the 1960s and 1970s in North Carolina, North Carolina. They have also been seen (or heard) in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Missouri.

Skunk ape stories of the 1960s have been re-told by several authors for decades and can be found on the internet today. They include a book published in 1978 called "The Skunk Ape" by Jack L. Bittner, which includes stories collected over many years from two Indian tribes. Two men survived an attack on their camp by a pack of skunk apes about 15 miles south of Miami around 1955 into 1956. A woman and her ten year old son were chased by a pack of skunk apes in 1963 in a wooded area near Tampa as they were going home after dark.

Florida skunk ape sightings have been verified by the local newspaper, The Hernando County Times in their March 29, 1977 edition. The report was filed by then Sheriff's Deputy Don E. Giles with the Sheriff's office describing an encounter he had while on patrol in Brooksville one night in 1976: "I turned my spotlight on this big ol' thing," Giles said. "The animal stood up and I could see its stomach was all wrinkled up like it was real upset." Giles said he left the vicinity after being followed for a short distance. He reported he had never seen anything like it before. Several sightings of a skunk ape-type creature were reported in the 1970s including an encounter in 1971 by a frightened couple traveling south on U.S. 41 near Trilby, Florida. The two told Hernando County deputies they were chased for over half an hour by "a gigantic, screaming monkey" which was covered with hair and stood upright as it ran along the road trying to get them to stop their car and get out. The creature ran ahead of and behind the car despite the fact that the driver attempted to pick up speed. The couple continued on their way and reported nothing further.

Is Bigfoot Real

Is Bigfoot real? Sasquatch is a huge creature, and it is thought to live up in the northern regions of North America. It is a type of ape that can walk upright. Its extraordinary size has long been debated as well as whether or not it exists at all. The existence of Bigfoot has been debated for years, and some people believe that there is no way that it could be real. However, there are plenty of people who believe in its existence. If indeed the Sasquatch does exist, there are many questions that need to be answered. This post explores the existence of Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot, and will help you understand the facts behind this well-known urban legend that has persisted for centuries.

One of the main reasons why people believe in Bigfoot is because it stands to reason that if there are so many people who have claimed to have seen this creature, then it must be real. After all, these people have a lot of credibility when they go on about their experiences, don't they? The short answer is no, they don't. There are so many hoaxers out there that it is almost impossible to tell the difference between the real stories and the fake ones. The reason people keep coming back to this creature in their constant search in the woods is because they want to believe that this animal exists. If they could only prove that it does then many people would be satisfied and leave it alone. We begin to wonder if we lived in the forest for a long time, would we encounter this creature? How would we even know that we had seen it if it is so dark inside the forest?

Is Bigfoot  Real

The fact is that there are many hoaxes and people who have been willing to lie about it. But then again this does not mean that there is no such creature at all. There could still be a Sasquatch, just so long as you don't get yourself lost in the forest or remote areas where it could hide and ambush you. The fact of the matter is that Bigfoot might not exist, but it will always persist in our minds because of our curiosity.

Some have suggested that this creature might be a descendant of an orangutan which must have migrated from Indonesia, while others have other theories altogether. Nobody really knows for sure, but it is always best to be prepared when you are in the forest so that you will not miss out on the opportunity to encounter one. So if it is true that dozens and dozens of people have made incredible claims about seeing this creature in the forests, has anyone come forward with 100% proof or photographic evidence? No. When you look at all the evidence gathered over many years, there really isn't enough to prove that Bigfoot exists. However, there are several unexplained incidents that provide a tantalizing glimpse into a world that no one really knows about.

Could it be that this hoax is perpetrated by a few people who have nothing better to do with their time while we are looking for evidence of this creature? I guess it wouldn't be the first time something like that happened. Not everybody believes that this was just a hoax though. One group of people who have their own theories are the Sasquatch researchers. They believe this creature could be real and have built much of their knowledge on witnesses who have come forward with their intriguing accounts about seeing these creatures. There are also some scientists who have studied the DNA of these creatures and have come to the conclusion that they are real. Most of their research is based on the behavior of animals since Bigfoot is believed to be an animal.

The bottom line is that there is not much concrete evidence out there regarding this creature and all of the information available is anecdotal in nature. There are no 100% proven real pictures or videos of this creature, nor are there any physical remains. The only way to find out for sure if this creature exists is to go out into the woods and do some exploring. However, a lot of people do believe in it, even including some celebrities like James Woods who has said he believes there are real-life creatures that live in forested regions all over Canada and the United States. So while there isn't any clear-cut proof, it certainly makes you wonder what might exist up in those Canadian forests that no one really knows about.

Summary: Bigfoot is a huge creature, and it is thought to live up in the northern regions of North America. It is a type of ape that can walk upright. Its extraordinary size has long been debated as well as whether or not it exists at all. The Bigfoot field is a very interesting one, and I sure would love to go looking for this creature. Do you believe in this creature at all? If so, what do you think it could be? Write me back with your thoughts on this.

Bigfoot Evidence

Bigfoot is an enigmatic ape-like creature that has generated a wide range of theories over the centuries. Alleged Bigfoot sightings have been reported across North America and in parts of Europe, Australia, and Asia. In recent years, scientific “evidence” for the existence of Bigfoot has come under question with some suggesting that these (now discredited) claims are based on hoaxes or misidentifications of other animals such as gorillas or bears.

What is indisputable is that there exists a wide variety of evidence for the possible existence of this creature largely due to eyewitness testimonies from people who claim to have seen it in the wild and photos taken by those who believe they captured evidence while it was still alive. While many Bigfoot sightings are anecdotal, there is a large number of alleged witnesses and alleged events worth looking at in detail.

Bigfoot Evidence

This more detailed examination is made up of three categories: First through third-hand accounts; eyewitness sightings; and sightings that were photographic, video, or audio. A fourth category referred to as physical evidence was also included but it will not be discussed in depth. It is important to remember that these categories are not exclusive but overlap quite a bit although the eyewitness sighting examples (with exceptions) were obviously collected from a smaller pool of anecdotal evidence than what’s listed here.


Here is a list of some of the most compelling and believable pieces of evidence for the existence of Bigfoot.

1)      Footprints- A number of people claim to have seen Bigfoot primarily consisting of footprints that seem to point towards a definite direction. However, this is “evidence” has not been independently verified as there are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of hoaxers

2)      Scat – Abundant evidence of Bigfoot comes in the form of scat found in the wild.

3)      Photographs – While most people think that photos are the best proof for the existence of Bigfoot, there are a large number of hoaxes that reduce their effectiveness as convincing evidence.

4)      DNA – Many people point to evidence such as hair or blood samples found on trees or bushes as a definitive proof of Bigfoot’s existence.

5)      Sound Recordings – Perhaps the most convincing piece of evidence (though still not necessarily conclusive) for Bigfoot’s existence comes from people who say they have recorded the creature either on tape or film.

6)      Sightings – Not surprisingly, most of the claims for evidence point to sightings rather than physical evidence.

7)      Online Accounts- Many people point to online accounts as if this is conclusive evidence but there are a number of hoaxers who shill their work online. The key is to find a Bigfoot account by someone you can actually get in touch with and then take their word for the rest.


Here are some of the most compelling reported sightings and photos:


Several witnesses report that on June 11, 2008, at about 2:30 a.m., they saw a creature outside their parked car in the woods outside of Winnemucca, Nevada. They stated that it was standing upright, but its body was covered in hair. They described it as having brown fur and weighing an estimated 800 pounds and standing about 10 feet tall when it walked on all fours. Two days later on June 13, 2008 there was another sighting by a different couple who claimed to see two Bigfoot’s between Paradise Valley and Chiatovich Road near Carson City. It was described as about 7 feet tall with large shoulders and a thick, brown-furred body. It was walking upright.

On December 23, 2007, a research team from the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) held a press conference in the small town of Alexandria, Washington to discuss a dozen encounters they’ve recorded throughout the Pacific Northwest. The most recent sighting occurred on February 20th to February 22nd in 2007 at a remote location near Dunlap Creek on the north bank of the Columbia River between Oregon and Washington State. A witness reported seeing two creatures walking parallel to each other along an embankment about 7 feet apart. They claimed that their hair went straight up when they ran.

On November 19, 2007, a couple reported seeing a Bigfoot in their front yard in Liberty, Texas. The creature was said to have been 8 feet tall with shoulders about as wide as its waist. It was standing on two legs and had long black hair covering the whole body except for its face and hands which were covered in silver-gray hair. It had no noticeable scent. The witnesses said they first heard tapping sounds on their back deck before they saw the creature looking through their living room window. When the Bigfoot spotted them, it walked to the edge of the woods and stood there for about 20 minutes before disappearing into the forest. The couple said that it didn’t make any other sound while they observed it.


Cryptozoology is the study of animals whose existence or type is not yet confirmed, as well as the search for evidence that could identify a new species.  It's also referred to as "the study of hidden animals" or "the study of origin mythical and legendary creatures". There are currently many cryptozoological groups around the world who mainly investigate reports of rumored, undiscovered, and existing animals.

A few examples of cryptids are as follows: Bigfoot, Lake Monsters (Lake Champlain Monster), Mokele Mbembe (African dinosaur), Ogopogo (Canadian lake monster). Cryptozoology has an extensive history spanning back thousands of years. It was not until the 19th Century that it truly became famous when explorers and other groups began searching for cryptids.


There are controversies about what a cryptid is, but most scientists and researchers say it is any living organism that has never been seen before or whose existence has not been proven. There are strict criteria for determining whether or not an animal is in fact a cryptid, and probably the most important thing to do first is to make sure they really exist. Since there are many animals all over the world, it is very possible that they exist somewhere in nature. For example, Bigfoot may be a new species of ape that exists somewhere in the wilderness of North America.

There are books written and documentaries made about cryptozoology and its history, but most of those that are available online are just a part of the history or a small section of it. Cryptozoology is a very serious field with many people who are devoted to it. Cryptozoologists do not only rely on the reports from their fellow scientists; they also rely on their own visual observations and experiences. Some people say there isn't really much in the way of evidence that supports cryptid sightings, but there are those who do believe in them.

Most cryptids were originally named by explorers, settlers, or travelers as an attempt to describe what has been seen or encountered by them. They have been described as having different skin colors, sizes, behavior, intelligence, and even physical characteristics. Some cryptids are known to inhabit one specific location while others have a much wider range of locations in which they can be found in. Although there have been many sightings of some creatures, it is important for cryptozoologists to have a very clear record of each sighting. It just so happens that the majority of the sightings come from very few cities and towns all over the world.

Although some cryptid sightings may be considered hoaxes or that the creature was never actually seen by anyone, there are millions of reports of cryptids every year. Cryptids are very popular with teenagers and young adults because they have been featured in many books, comics, movies, TV shows, and other media. 

Most of the legends that come from cultures all around the world refer to cryptids as mythical creatures and not real animals. In Jungian psychology, it is the unconscious mind's way of explaining something unknown or misunderstood by finding a cultural symbol for it. Many times the mention of cryptids in myths may mean that there was a real cryptid living somewhere in that area. 

There are many people who search for cryptids in hopes of seeing one, but cryptozoology can be very dangerous for the searchers. If a cryptid is scared by the presence of humans, it may become violent towards them. It is also very easy to get lost in uncharted areas because they have no trails or markings to follow. There are many places that have also been damaged by people after finding out about a place where a creature lives. This has caused the creatures to run away and roam or hide somewhere else that is less likely to be found. Those who search for cryptids need to make sure they search responsibly and do not bring anything with them that will hurt the creature or affect its habitats adversely.

There have been many books and movies that feature cryptids in some way or form. Many people have different opinions about cryptozoology, whether they think the creatures exist or not. Some scientists support research conducted by others, just to prove that their claims were true. The supporters believe that these creatures are out there and just waiting to be discovered. Others say there is no point in studying something that probably will not be found even if it does exist.

Many Native American stories and legends talk about cryptids. Cryptozoologists use many different types of equipment to aid them in their search for cryptids. For example, they may use specialized equipment to find signs of tracks or fur. They also tend to use cameras, GPS systems, and sometimes even drones or other types of unmanned aerial vehicles to record footage of what they are seeing in order to show people the evidence. Cryptozoology is a very serious field with many people who are devoted to it. Most people who are involved in it travel the world looking for signs of new animals and studying what has already been discovered.