I have been into the paranormal since I was a kid. I have enjoyed all kinds of topics such as the Loch Ness Monster and UFOs. However one of my favorites of all time has got to be the big guy “bigfoot”. Bigfoot is always been one of those hot topics which people completely do not believe in or are completely devoted to finding it. Not only is the topic hot blooded but so are the different character types within the Sasquatch community. The community has it all, from true believers to the individual's who are in it to make a fast buck. There are even a number of infamous individuals who are complete hoaxers and proud of it. The topic of Bigfoot is hot at the moment and everyone seems to have his or her thoughts on the subject. This blog is my take on recent Bigfoot sightings reports and alleged evidence found. Whether Bigfoot/Sasquatch is real or not really doesn’t make a difference, it’s still quite a story to ponder. From the indigenous Indians to modern times Bigfoot is the shining star of the Cryptozoology world. Is bigfoot real, you decide!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Bigfoots Footprints

One thing I always found very perplexing about Bigfoot’s footprints is how they always seem to find generally speaking only a couple tracks. Yes I know the been a couple of cases where they found tracks traveling in a very long distance however that’s a rarity, nine out of 10 times it’s just a couple of tracks that some Bigfoot researcher claims is from Bigfoot. Personally I find this very interesting because considering Bigfoot supposed height and weight that should be a plethora of footprints found. Animal life of all kinds’ sizes and weight often leave multiple tracks which are found all the time and documented in the forest.

Contrary to this Bigfoot investigators often find just a couple of tracks if they’re lucky, generally speaking, most investigators find one or two tracks and then proceed to cast them. I do realize the forest grounds can differ from area to area quite vastly. Many Bigfoot research will say quite simply the ground is too hard for many footprints to be discovered. However, using the same logic oftentimes alleged Bigfoot footprints are found in soft ground such as mud, and even then one, two, or three footprints are found; why is that?

Bigfoots Footprints

A skeptic will say a hoaxer simply faked three Bigfoot tracks and decided to go on his way while laughing about the whole thing. Personally, speaking an animal that is 8 to 10 feet tall and between 600 to 800 pounds should be footprints everywhere. And not only should there be plenty of footprints but more often than not they should also lead to somewhere. For example, bears are often tracked by the footprints and various other animals of the forest as well. This is why hunters can hunt their prey and eventually find where they hiding or dwelling with other animals of the same species. Now I understand most Bigfoot believers will tell me they’re quite intelligent animals and I can understand that but even the most intelligent people in the world make mistakes eventually.

In fact, some Bigfoot believers even say they are far smarter than any human beings on earth. So how does Bigfoot manage to leave a trail of footprints that lead nowhere? I don’t see a purpose behind that; if there are more than one set of tracks found most researchers will follow them until they come to or end. But oftentimes I find no tracks lead anywhere and the alleged Bigfoot prints all seem to stop and end abruptly leaving no other tracks around whatsoever.

One thing I really do wish to know is why no research, casts, or even photos of Bigfoot’s handprints have ever been found. Personally, I find that very odd, considering the fact many Bigfoot believers claim they are quite big, between 14 to 18 inches long which should also mean the hands are bigger than that. And if this true why hasn’t anyone come across a handprint? Seems like if this creature were real there would be more track evidence left. Researching Bigfoot has been controversial for years and is also very intriguing.

I’ve seen many Bigfoot videos and there are some pretty convincing ones. The problem with Bigfoot videos however is that they can be edited quite easily. In fact, I’ve heard of people being able to create a Bigfoot video fairly easily even with a couple of kids. Now I don’t say this lightly in fact I do believe there is some very interesting Bigfoot video footage out there however they may not all be real.

I’m not a believer or disbeliever of Sasquatch; it is the topic of interest for me. I simply want to know the truth and have my questions answered in a logical and scientific manner especially if you’re trying to convince the world that Bigfoot is real. Bigfoot may in fact be real however before it’s proven to be real we need much more concrete evidence and questions to be answered with facts and not conjecture.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Todd Standing Moving On

In what is considered somewhat breaking news in the Bigfoot community Todd standing has announced he is leaving Bigfoot research. For anybody not familiar with Todd standing, he is a Bigfoot investigator and has claimed to have had numerous Bigfoot encounters over the years. Todd has released numerous pictures and high-definition videos of Bigfoot from various locations. There have been several high quality crystal-clear videos of actual Bigfoot’s according to Todd however the majority of people in the Bigfoot community believe it’s all a hoax.

"I have done so much in my life to prove the existence of Sasquatch, but people just laugh and call me a liar. I have wasted the last six years of my life trying to defend myself against people who only want to ridicule me." According to Todd he has spent around $350,000 on his expeditions over the years. He has also gone on record saying that he has received death threats and that it's become too much for him to try to continue with the investigations. Todd stands departure from Bigfoot research is not really a shocker.

Todd Standing bigfoot

Even though a lot of his pictures and videos of Sasquatch are very good quality something about the subject’s seemed very artificial. Many other Bigfoot researchers believe the Bigfoot’s depicted are not real and are either mechanical puppets and/or people in various disguises and makeup. Additionally various Bigfoot pictures seem to have been Photoshoped in some instances. To his credit Todd standing has always said his videos and pictures portray genuine Bigfoots. Due to the popularity of this video, various websites have attempted to prove that it is fake. They cite fake props or CGI. The original video has also been taken down by YouTube for hosting copyright material without permission.

He claims there has been no photo manipulation whatsoever with his photos and no one running around in Bigfoot suits/costumes in his videos. He says all his video footage was recorded over time in the woods by him in secret remote areas inhabited by Bigfoot which is found over the years. He also claims his mission is to prove Bigfoot is real and needs government protection as a new species.

When Todd stood started conducting his early Bigfoot investigations he said he was an avid hiker and had experienced various Bigfoot incidents in the past which is what set off his passion for searching for the elusive cryptid. "All my life I have been interested in Sasquatch. I have heard of the stories since I was a kid and always dreamed of seeing one for myself."

He’s also gone on record saying he has encountered various Bigfoot creatures during his investigations over the years. He said he had witnessed over 60 different Bigfoot incidents during his expeditions which are scattered all over Canada, America and various places in Asia. He also claims to have smelled their scent, to have seen their nest and several times when they were up close and personal which is why he became very passionate about proving their existence.

So finally according to Todd standing the reason why he is retiring from his expeditions is that he’s tired of the ridicule and that it’s no longer fun for him. He said people in the Bigfoot community are only interested in tearing down his work and making fun of him not in helping with further investigations. Todd stands retirement has been confirmed by numerous other Bigfoot researchers.

He has also gone on record saying he has collected over 500 samples from various locations in an attempt to prove DNA evidence of their existence and collected over 1,000 hours worth of footage and audio. Todd standing is open to sharing these samples and information with other Bigfoot researchers and scientists around the world who want to analyze them according to multiple sources within his inner circle.

Saturday, December 20, 2014


As a quick summary of what Bigfoot is supposed to be for people who are not too familiar with it, it’s basically a very large bipedal, tall gorilla/ hominid-like creature. It’s typically said to be between six and 8 feet tall however there’s been plenty reports of 10 feet and even 12 feet tall. They have been estimated to weigh between 6 and 8 hundred pounds at the very least depending on the height and width. They are usually very muscular as well with wide shoulders and very long arms. The arms are proportionately much longer than human beings.

In the majority of cases of people who had Bigfoot encounters a very strong repulsive smell is associated with them. In fact one type of Bigfoot in the Florida swap lands is actually known as the stink ape or skunk ape. According to eyewitness accounts the smell is like a combination of wet dog, garbage, sulfur and in some cases rotting flesh. Either way the smell is not pleasant at all and often described as overwhelming to the point of sickening people

They are usually reported to be covered from head to toe in black or brownish red fur. The fur is usually reported to be not too long in length throughout the body however much shorter within the facial area. The shorter hair in the facial area makes sense because longhair would interfere with its eye sight. According to Bigfoot researchers they are able to communicate with each other through wood knocks, clapping stones together and howling to each other.


They are said to be very quick especially for the size, and masters of disguise. They are said to be able to disappear literally in the blink of an eye and also highly intelligent creatures as well. Without question they would have to be highly intelligent in order to have avoided human contact all these years so far. Theories as to why it is that they do not like human beings at all and would rather be left alone include the fact that they may have been hunted to near extinction by early man for food because of the size and taste of their meat.

Explanations that are typically given for the sightings include misidentification, hoaxes, fringe science, and psychological phenomena like optical illusions. The last few decades mainstream science has studied the phenomenon in order to explain it away, however without success...
Some of the main reasons why many scientists remain skeptical about Bigfoot or at least skeptical of the existence is because there’s no body yet found. If Bigfoot truly exists to date there’s not a single dead one that’s been found despite thousands upon thousands of available potential opportunities. So if they do exist how is it that not one has turned up dead? Well I think the answer comes down to several things.

For example, each time one of these creatures die they are likely to be consumed by scavengers, the elements... So it’s entirely possible that no dead creature has ever been found. Also it would be very difficult to find bones or some other remains because of the forested areas where most sightings occur. Plus there’s also the matter of getting an accurate identification on whatever remains were there. So for this reason alone it’s very nearly impossible for any body to ever be found even if they do exist.

Another explanation that I find more feasible is that perhaps Bigfoot may not be what people think they are... In other words they might not be a type of hominid at all... What I mean by this is that perhaps they are a type of new species altogether. For example, some have speculated that perhaps they are a species of hominid-like creature descended from a group of ancient humans who remained in isolation up until present days. These ancient humans were either from Atlantis, Lemuria or from some other civilization that existed long ago on earth.

In addition to this speculation, there’s also been some pure speculation that Bigfoot creatures could be the result of the government conducting biological weapons or mind control experiments back in the 1950s and 60s involving radiation and chemicals on individuals who were in prison camps... Also this could be the result of people reading into the Indian legend about Sasquatch that they are actually the soul of deceased soldiers who died in wars with Native Americans that were related to various tribes in North America.

It has also been suggested that Bigfoot sightings may be the result of ancient astronauts testing different types of technology on remote parts of earth with no one around to detect them... Or perhaps they are extraterrestrials themselves... This would all depend on whether or not you think it is possible for aliens to visit earth and if so why they would do so... Also there are many Bigfoot researchers that are firm believers that the creatures are not hominids at all, but that they are truly extraterrestrial. 

Another possibility is that Bigfoot might consist of two different species, one large and one smaller, which I personally think is a far more likely explanation... I mean if not for the hybrids of human and ape/monkey DNA there would be no possibility of two different species.

Then again this might cause more questions, so let me ask you this... If you were to develop a new species would you not want to take the time to explore through DNA specimens to determine what type of animal it is? I mean even if they are similar to other types of animals known today… So perhaps the answer has yet to be discovered.

The Concept Of Bigfoot

To the majority of people the concept of Bigfoot is very hard to believe. The very notion of a 6 to 8 foot flesh and blood guerrilla like beast weighing between 5 and 8 hundred pounds roaming the Woodlands undetected is laughable to most. Besides that if Bigfoot is truly a flesh and blood animal and not some type of supernatural being as most Bigfoot investigators claim then there must be more than one in existence. Given this fact it causes a big problem because this means you need to have a population of Bigfoot living and breeding over all these years.

So basically what that means is there is out there a hidden/undiscovered population of giant gorilla like beasts living among us. Considering that most Bigfoot researchers claim they can be up to 10 feet, even 12 feet and at least 800 pounds on the heavier side, even a small population size throughout the world makes it very hard to believe we still haven’t caught one yet if they truly existed. So between the size which they are reported to be and the number needed within a population to sustain Bigfoot over the years simply compounds the problem of believability to the majority of people.

To me personally this is one of the most valid reasons why it’s hard to believe in something such as a Bigfoot. Nevertheless to believers or “knowers” as some of them call themselves there are always reasons and explanations to why Bigfoot can and in fact exists. Just for the record I am not saying I don’t believe in Bigfoot however there are many reasons not to be certain of its existence. There is only one true fact at the moment in regards with Bigfoot until we have a live specimen or dead the mystery will continue. Hopefully if Bigfoot does in fact exist and is eventually caught it’s captured alive and in good health for scientific and ethical reasons.
The Concept Of Bigfoot

I do indeed believe that the possibility of Bigfoot does exist and think it’s a most interesting subject to talk about. Even though with all the manpower and equipment used by the government, university labs, police force, and even private investigators one has still not found one yet it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I also believe they are very old mutated creatures that have survived this long by hiding in remote isolated areas of the world in which few people ever venture into. Yet, I still don’t believe in the existence of a large breeding population of Bigfoot living within our midst without being discovered. 

I am open minded about Bigfoot but realize there are many possible reasons for people to believe otherwise. I also think that the world or universe is much larger and grander than what we are able to see with our naked eye or understand at this time. There is so much out there that we have yet to explore and discover. I am not only an investigator but also a researcher; I feel that everyone should research the topic before forming an opinion. Even though one has not seen Bigfoot with their own eyes, or captured one yet it doesn’t mean they don’t exist somewhere.

I believe that even though the existence of these creatures is being disputed by some people, one day either through sighting or capture it will be proven that they are real. Until then, the evidence is simply the reports that people have received. The continued curiosity generated by these reports is enough to prove that they are real. Also, I am open to the possibility that perhaps maybe these large creatures of the forest are related to Bigfoot but not necessarily known as Bigfoot. 

These creatures surely can’t hide forever and will eventually be discovered or viewed in their natural habitat one day. I personally believe that someday we will know the answer to some of these mysteries. If you would like to know more about these animals, don’t hesitate to send us a email or comment and we will get back to you. Until then, I will continue to investigate the reports and hopefully capture one for study. I do have faith in these creatures being real one day.