Most serious Bigfoot researchers/investigators believe Bigfoot is a flesh and blood living animal. Most also believe that Bigfoot is some type of relic hominid. However, you also have a group of investigators who suspect Bigfoot/Sasquatch is some type of paranormal entity. Funny enough, most serious researchers will laugh this off claiming there is no such thing as a
paranormal Bigfoot while mainstream science dismisses the whole subject completely. Personally, I believe if you going to be open-minded enough to believe in
Sasquatch you might as well leave some possibility open for the paranormal as well.
Most Bigfoot researchers have separated their research into three branches. There are those who believe the Sasquatch is just a simple animal due to lack of evidence, those who believe it is some kind of hominid relic, and lastly, those who believe that the Sasquatch is some sort of
paranormal creature. The Paranormal is not something that is well understood. The Paranormal is a term used to describe things that cannot be explained. It can be anything from a ghost sighting to a UFO sighting. It can be a feeling you get when you walk into a room that's just plain wrong. It can be intense negative energy that makes your hair stand on end. It can be a weird unexplainable feeling you get when you're driving at night. It can be an inexplicable smokey odor you smell in your home.
The problem stems from all the elusive qualities of a Bigfoot and its alleged capabilities. At this point in time Bigfoot has been said to be able to perform a variety of borderline
supernatural abilities. Just the mere fact that a Bigfoot hasn’t been officially caught yet is outstanding if the creature in fact lives among us today. However, according to one theory which is prevalent for a small fraction of UFO investigators is that Bigfoot is related to
alien beings and UFOs in some manner. The basic idea is that aliens use Bigfoot for some reason and Bigfoot can get on board and off board when needed on some type of Unidentified Flying Objects. There are numerous reports of Bigfoot being observed in the same general area after a UFO has been spotted.

Getting back to Bigfoot’s abilities and the paranormal, the things that Bigfoot are able to do seems to escalate year by year. Some of the more common paranormal like abilities is the ability to cloak itself at will. There are investigators who believe Bigfoot can cloak itself in a very similar manner as the alien did in the movie predator. There are researchers who believe Bigfoot can communicate telepathically and even make you do things against your will psychically. As I stated before there is a small group of people who believe Bigfoot has some type of direct relationship with alien beings. Quite frankly I can go on and on and on but these are some of the more prevalent alleged supernatural abilities of Bigfoot.
One of the more prevalent abilities that Bigfoot has is the ability to disappear in what seems like thin air. When a Bigfoot disappears, it’s almost as if they just vanish into thin air. There are researchers who believe that Bigfoot is able to make itself invisible. The reason I say believe instead of know is there isn’t any hard evidence to back up people claims on this subject so we must go on eyewitness's accounts. There seems to be no explanation as to why Bigfoot can disappear and leave nothing behind but witnesses who claim they have seen it with their own eyes are very adamant about this paranormal ability of Bigfoot.
This next alleged paranormal mentioned is extremely controversial and the evidence that supports this claim is extremely weak. There are those who believe that Bigfoot can create a type of electric field around them that repels and disorients electronic devices. This seems very similar to how some alien species are described in books, movies, and television shows. I am talking about the ability to cause things like TVs, radios, and other electronic devises to act erratically by being around it. The report usually goes like this, a researcher or group of researchers have been following a Bigfoot track for days when all of a sudden, their equipment stops working properly. Some people have even argued it could be a form of electromagnetic radiation that is coming from the Bigfoot and it is causing electronic devices to act up. I personally don’t believe this is possible but if we look at what some scientists have discovered we will see that it’s not impossible.
These are just a few of the alleged paranormal abilities for Bigfoot but if people have seen it with their own eyes and they believe it, then I won't even attempt to discredit them. There are people who believe that this creature has all kinds of special abilities that have been described in various books and movies. These include laser eyes (a sort of red beam that he can project), heat vision, teleportation, hypnosis, and the ability to read minds. Some of these abilities are mentioned from time to time but most researchers just shrug them off as nonsense. I will not even try to comment on these just because I am not going there. This article is an opinion piece so please, no one take offense at my opinions on this subject matter.
I would like to ask a question not so much directed at you the reader, but more so to bigfoot researchers themselves. I would like to ask what the purpose is for your research? I mean why spend your time and money going out into the wilderness in search of an animal that you have no evidence of existing? I understand some of you are doing it for entertainment purposes and this is perfectly fine. However, there are some people who do believe it exists and have dedicated their lives to prove its existence one way or another.
In conclusion, whether you believe that bigfoot is a supernatural being or not, it's all so interesting and entertaining. Wouldn't you say? The more I learn, the more I want to know and the more I want to learn. It seems like we'll probably never know for sure what it is and what it isn't. If you think you have seen a bigfoot or know of someone who has please contact me. Thank you very much.
The research along with the sightings in this article came from many websites online as well as from several books that are still in print about bigfoot and other unsolved mysteries/myths/cryptids like the Loch Ness Monster, El Chupacabra, The Jersey Devil, etc., and many others books long out of print that is now extremely hard to find.