I have been into the paranormal since I was a kid. I have enjoyed all kinds of topics such as the Loch Ness Monster and UFOs. However one of my favorites of all time has got to be the big guy “bigfoot”. Bigfoot is always been one of those hot topics which people completely do not believe in or are completely devoted to finding it. Not only is the topic hot blooded but so are the different character types within the Sasquatch community. The community has it all, from true believers to the individual's who are in it to make a fast buck. There are even a number of infamous individuals who are complete hoaxers and proud of it. The topic of Bigfoot is hot at the moment and everyone seems to have his or her thoughts on the subject. This blog is my take on recent Bigfoot sightings reports and alleged evidence found. Whether Bigfoot/Sasquatch is real or not really doesn’t make a difference, it’s still quite a story to ponder. From the indigenous Indians to modern times Bigfoot is the shining star of the Cryptozoology world. Is bigfoot real, you decide!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Arizona Department of Transportation Bigfoot Evidence

On Jan 1, 2015, the Arizona Department of Transportation posted this photograph of a street with the following caption: "We might have spotted a family of sasquatches on SR 260 near Heber this afternoon." on their official Facebook page. Now quite honestly I believe for the majority of people when they read the caption and saw the picture pretty much figured out it must’ve been some kind of joke. Nonetheless, the picture provoked a tremendous amount of debate about the picture whether it was a genuine or a hoax.

And as I said, I was fascinated by that. I went back to my room at the hotel and there was a lot of debate about whether this was a hoax or not. And I realized that you can’t really know what is true or what is a hoax until it’s revealed. Furthermore, the image is so compelling and so enigmatic because it is just one of those images that you can’t explain the way it presents itself. You can’t get rid of it no matter how hard you try. So I started thinking about all kinds of things about it and it’s very difficult to make any kind of sense of that. So I began to think about all kinds of stories that we could tell about this. One possibility is that it’s a hoax, but another possibility is that it is actually true and it represents something else.
Arizona Department of Transportation Bigfoot Evidence
Arizona Department of Transportation Bigfoot

The viral picture of what appeared to be possibly a Bigfoot family in Arizona obviously had the Bigfoot community and conspiracy theory fanatics looking for answers. Conspiracy theories began to propagate after they posted the photo from a highway patrol camera. The Facebook post now has been shared hundreds of times and filled with thousands of comments as well. The Facebook comments ranged from true Bigfoot believers to hard-core skeptics. Many of the true believers were worried about the safety and the health of the alleged Bigfoot family and demanded more pictures to be made available.

Sadly, eventually, the truth came out and the Arizona Department of Transportation put an end to all of the speculations by admitting it was just all a big joke. "We always try to have a little fun with our Facebook and Twitter feeds," department spokesman Tim Tait told ABC News. "That way, we don’t just post news about crashes and road conditions, but a little something to engage our audience in different ways. This posting was one of those efforts -- something that caught our attention, and we thought it might make some people chuckle."

Oh well, here's hoping the department continues to have a sense of humor in the face of tragedy. "It really is a small community, and when you get this kind of news, it does hit home," said Tait. "I've had a number of people come up to me in the last day or two and tell me how much they appreciated the post, or that it helped them deal with the loss of someone in the family or that it made them smile."

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Roger Patterson Bigfoot Film

One of the subjects that Bigfoot investigators take very seriously is the Roger Patterson Bigfoot film. The Patterson–Gimlin film is virtually the Holy Grail to Bigfoot believers. Speaking badly of the film or of Roger Patterson is borderline sacrilegious to many Bigfoot researchers. Now you may think this sounds a bit over-the-top however too much researching Bigfoot is practically an obsession, borderline religious experience. Consequently, the PGF remains the utmost consequential piece of evidence for Bigfoot so far. There are literally countless movies, documentaries, and books written on the subject and countless debates on whether it’s real or a hoax perpetrated by Roger Patterson and his partner Robert "Bob" Gimlin.

In the grand scheme of things how important is the PGF film in terms of being proof for the existence of Bigfoot. Personally speaking, I believe the film is probably much more important for Bigfoot believers than any type of credible evidence of the existence of Bigfoot’s. Because quite frankly the majority of the general public will say it is merely a man in a monkey/gorilla suit being recorded as he walks a predetermined path. The majority of the public does not view the Patterson–Gimlin film and believes it to be some type of unknown relic hominid being recorded for the first time. However, just because the majority of the general public does not believe it’s real does not make it a hoax. The film remains the most credible piece of evidence to date for the existence of Bigfoot.

Roger Patterson Bigfoot Film

The reason being is it was shot by a person who did not set out to fake the film. Roger Patterson was an amateur photographer and not a filmmaker, he had been studying Bigfoot for several years and even had a belief that Bigfoot was real. His friend Bob Gimlin was also a local cowboy who hunted and explored Bigfoot territory regularly. The two men were on their horses, in their normal habitat searching for Bigfoot and recording any evidence of the elusive creature for future generations to see.

The best thing about the PGF is that it’s raw; it’s an actual film clip as opposed to hours of footage of fuzzy unknown ape-like creatures lurking in the darkening forests or shadowy mountainsides. When you see the film for yourself, you can imagine how it must have played out. This is exactly why this film is a very poignant piece of evidence for Bigfoot. It’s authentic and not speculative or pieced together in order to fabricate a theory as to what the creature really looked like. The fact that it was shot mainly by "two guys on horses" makes it believable, as many people believe Bigfoot exists but they would rather believe in Bigfoot than believe something has been created like the PGF.

The Roger Patterson Bigfoot Film is probably one of the most important pieces of evidence in the existence of Bigfoot. The reason being is that it was not a hoax created by Roger Patterson or Robert "Bob" Gimlin. In fact, Roger Patterson never even had any intention to make a movie about Bigfoot at all, and he certainly didn’t plan on having the film to be his legacy (which it ultimately was). In fact, as far as we know there are no other hoaxers lurking in the shadows that can take credit for making or faking this film. Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin were out trekking through the forest looking for Bigfoot evidence so they could prove to themselves and other skeptics this creature really existed.

The debate will never end, the skeptics will always believe it’s a man in a monkey suit and believers will always accept it as true. The big question is if it’s ever proven as a hoax, how this will affect the belief in the existence of Bigfoot among the Bigfoot community. For the majority it will just be an immense disappointment; yes it will be a very big deal for the community however the enigma of Bigfoot will survive. In fact in the last few years there have been a growing number of Bigfoot researchers who now believe the Patterson–Gimlin film is a hoax. However having said that they continue to believe in Bigfoot and continue to search for it.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Bigfoot And The Paranormal

Most serious Bigfoot researchers/investigators believe Bigfoot is a flesh and blood living animal. Most also believe that Bigfoot is some type of relic hominid. However, you also have a group of investigators who suspect Bigfoot/Sasquatch is some type of paranormal entity. Funny enough, most serious researchers will laugh this off claiming there is no such thing as a paranormal Bigfoot while mainstream science dismisses the whole subject completely. Personally, I believe if you going to be open-minded enough to believe in Sasquatch you might as well leave some possibility open for the paranormal as well.

Most Bigfoot researchers have separated their research into three branches. There are those who believe the Sasquatch is just a simple animal due to lack of evidence, those who believe it is some kind of hominid relic, and lastly, those who believe that the Sasquatch is some sort of paranormal creature. The Paranormal is not something that is well understood. The Paranormal is a term used to describe things that cannot be explained. It can be anything from a ghost sighting to a UFO sighting. It can be a feeling you get when you walk into a room that's just plain wrong. It can be intense negative energy that makes your hair stand on end. It can be a weird unexplainable feeling you get when you're driving at night. It can be an inexplicable smokey odor you smell in your home.

The problem stems from all the elusive qualities of a Bigfoot and its alleged capabilities. At this point in time Bigfoot has been said to be able to perform a variety of borderline supernatural abilities. Just the mere fact that a Bigfoot hasn’t been officially caught yet is outstanding if the creature in fact lives among us today. However, according to one theory which is prevalent for a small fraction of UFO investigators is that Bigfoot is related to alien beings and UFOs in some manner. The basic idea is that aliens use Bigfoot for some reason and Bigfoot can get on board and off board when needed on some type of Unidentified Flying Objects. There are numerous reports of Bigfoot being observed in the same general area after a UFO has been spotted.

Bigfoot And The Paranormal

Getting back to Bigfoot’s abilities and the paranormal, the things that Bigfoot are able to do seems to escalate year by year. Some of the more common paranormal like abilities is the ability to cloak itself at will. There are investigators who believe Bigfoot can cloak itself in a very similar manner as the alien did in the movie predator. There are researchers who believe Bigfoot can communicate telepathically and even make you do things against your will psychically. As I stated before there is a small group of people who believe Bigfoot has some type of direct relationship with alien beings. Quite frankly I can go on and on and on but these are some of the more prevalent alleged supernatural abilities of Bigfoot.

One of the more prevalent abilities that Bigfoot has is the ability to disappear in what seems like thin air. When a Bigfoot disappears, it’s almost as if they just vanish into thin air. There are researchers who believe that Bigfoot is able to make itself invisible. The reason I say believe instead of know is there isn’t any hard evidence to back up people claims on this subject so we must go on eyewitness's accounts. There seems to be no explanation as to why Bigfoot can disappear and leave nothing behind but witnesses who claim they have seen it with their own eyes are very adamant about this paranormal ability of Bigfoot.

This next alleged paranormal mentioned is extremely controversial and the evidence that supports this claim is extremely weak. There are those who believe that Bigfoot can create a type of electric field around them that repels and disorients electronic devices. This seems very similar to how some alien species are described in books, movies, and television shows. I am talking about the ability to cause things like TVs, radios, and other electronic devises to act erratically by being around it. The report usually goes like this, a researcher or group of researchers have been following a Bigfoot track for days when all of a sudden, their equipment stops working properly. Some people have even argued it could be a form of electromagnetic radiation that is coming from the Bigfoot and it is causing electronic devices to act up. I personally don’t believe this is possible but if we look at what some scientists have discovered we will see that it’s not impossible. 

These are just a few of the alleged paranormal abilities for Bigfoot but if people have seen it with their own eyes and they believe it, then I won't even attempt to discredit them. There are people who believe that this creature has all kinds of special abilities that have been described in various books and movies. These include laser eyes (a sort of red beam that he can project), heat vision, teleportation, hypnosis, and the ability to read minds. Some of these abilities are mentioned from time to time but most researchers just shrug them off as nonsense. I will not even try to comment on these just because I am not going there. This article is an opinion piece so please, no one take offense at my opinions on this subject matter.

I would like to ask a question not so much directed at you the reader, but more so to bigfoot researchers themselves. I would like to ask what the purpose is for your research? I mean why spend your time and money going out into the wilderness in search of an animal that you have no evidence of existing? I understand some of you are doing it for entertainment purposes and this is perfectly fine. However, there are some people who do believe it exists and have dedicated their lives to prove its existence one way or another.

In conclusion, whether you believe that bigfoot is a supernatural being or not, it's all so interesting and entertaining. Wouldn't you say? The more I learn, the more I want to know and the more I want to learn. It seems like we'll probably never know for sure what it is and what it isn't. If you think you have seen a bigfoot or know of someone who has please contact me. Thank you very much.

The research along with the sightings in this article came from many websites online as well as from several books that are still in print about bigfoot and other unsolved mysteries/myths/cryptids like the Loch Ness Monster, El Chupacabra, The Jersey Devil, etc., and many others books long out of print that is now extremely hard to find.