I have been into the paranormal since I was a kid. I have enjoyed all kinds of topics such as the Loch Ness Monster and UFOs. However one of my favorites of all time has got to be the big guy “bigfoot”. Bigfoot is always been one of those hot topics which people completely do not believe in or are completely devoted to finding it. Not only is the topic hot blooded but so are the different character types within the Sasquatch community. The community has it all, from true believers to the individual's who are in it to make a fast buck. There are even a number of infamous individuals who are complete hoaxers and proud of it. The topic of Bigfoot is hot at the moment and everyone seems to have his or her thoughts on the subject. This blog is my take on recent Bigfoot sightings reports and alleged evidence found. Whether Bigfoot/Sasquatch is real or not really doesn’t make a difference, it’s still quite a story to ponder. From the indigenous Indians to modern times Bigfoot is the shining star of the Cryptozoology world. Is bigfoot real, you decide!

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Is Bigfoot Real

Is Bigfoot real? Sasquatch is a huge creature, and it is thought to live up in the northern regions of North America. It is a type of ape that can walk upright. Its extraordinary size has long been debated as well as whether or not it exists at all. The existence of Bigfoot has been debated for years, and some people believe that there is no way that it could be real. However, there are plenty of people who believe in its existence. If indeed the Sasquatch does exist, there are many questions that need to be answered. This post explores the existence of Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot, and will help you understand the facts behind this well-known urban legend that has persisted for centuries.

One of the main reasons why people believe in Bigfoot is because it stands to reason that if there are so many people who have claimed to have seen this creature, then it must be real. After all, these people have a lot of credibility when they go on about their experiences, don't they? The short answer is no, they don't. There are so many hoaxers out there that it is almost impossible to tell the difference between the real stories and the fake ones. The reason people keep coming back to this creature in their constant search in the woods is because they want to believe that this animal exists. If they could only prove that it does then many people would be satisfied and leave it alone. We begin to wonder if we lived in the forest for a long time, would we encounter this creature? How would we even know that we had seen it if it is so dark inside the forest?

Is Bigfoot  Real

The fact is that there are many hoaxes and people who have been willing to lie about it. But then again this does not mean that there is no such creature at all. There could still be a Sasquatch, just so long as you don't get yourself lost in the forest or remote areas where it could hide and ambush you. The fact of the matter is that Bigfoot might not exist, but it will always persist in our minds because of our curiosity.

Some have suggested that this creature might be a descendant of an orangutan which must have migrated from Indonesia, while others have other theories altogether. Nobody really knows for sure, but it is always best to be prepared when you are in the forest so that you will not miss out on the opportunity to encounter one. So if it is true that dozens and dozens of people have made incredible claims about seeing this creature in the forests, has anyone come forward with 100% proof or photographic evidence? No. When you look at all the evidence gathered over many years, there really isn't enough to prove that Bigfoot exists. However, there are several unexplained incidents that provide a tantalizing glimpse into a world that no one really knows about.

Could it be that this hoax is perpetrated by a few people who have nothing better to do with their time while we are looking for evidence of this creature? I guess it wouldn't be the first time something like that happened. Not everybody believes that this was just a hoax though. One group of people who have their own theories are the Sasquatch researchers. They believe this creature could be real and have built much of their knowledge on witnesses who have come forward with their intriguing accounts about seeing these creatures. There are also some scientists who have studied the DNA of these creatures and have come to the conclusion that they are real. Most of their research is based on the behavior of animals since Bigfoot is believed to be an animal.

The bottom line is that there is not much concrete evidence out there regarding this creature and all of the information available is anecdotal in nature. There are no 100% proven real pictures or videos of this creature, nor are there any physical remains. The only way to find out for sure if this creature exists is to go out into the woods and do some exploring. However, a lot of people do believe in it, even including some celebrities like James Woods who has said he believes there are real-life creatures that live in forested regions all over Canada and the United States. So while there isn't any clear-cut proof, it certainly makes you wonder what might exist up in those Canadian forests that no one really knows about.

Summary: Bigfoot is a huge creature, and it is thought to live up in the northern regions of North America. It is a type of ape that can walk upright. Its extraordinary size has long been debated as well as whether or not it exists at all. The Bigfoot field is a very interesting one, and I sure would love to go looking for this creature. Do you believe in this creature at all? If so, what do you think it could be? Write me back with your thoughts on this.

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