What Is a Sasquatch? Sasquatch is a legendary ape-like creature reportedly sighted throughout North America. The term sasquatch comes from a Native American language meaning "hairy man" or "wild man", the creature's English name is also derived from this. Although it may be difficult to define, there are many characteristics that are associated with sightings of Sasquatches, including large footprints, seven-toed tracks in the snow and mud; six-fingered hands; a bowed torso; dark reddish-brown hair color and skin tone, and very large eyes with white sclerae.
Where does Sasquatch live?
Sasquatch is believed to live in the Pacific Northwest, mostly in western Canada, Washington state, and Oregon. Sasquatch is an American Indian name for the legendary ape-like creature of Native American folklore. The name is derived from "Sata" (Sioux) and "Quts", which means "wild man". Some also believe it's native to the whole United States and Canada. Throughout the northwest part of the country, there have been a large number of sightings and footprints have been found from Sasquatches.

What do they eat?
There are many factors that contribute to what Bigfoot may feed on or survive off of, such as vegetation; insects; fish/animals; berries, fruits, or nuts. Because there have not been known sasquatches captured or killed by humans we can't be certain as to what they will actually eat or survive off of. That being said, there are a few items that people believe could make a decent meal for a sasquatch. One of those items is wild game. Wild game has many uses, uses that would be beneficial for both humans and sasquatches. Wild game can provide food for the sasquatch.
What does a sasquatch sound like?
A variety of reports about sasquatches have been given, and it is a mystery as yet to be solved. One type of sound that has been reported or believed by many is a "whinny" or low-frequency series of sounds, similar to a deep growl with the "humming" sound in between. Whether these sounds are produced naturally or due to some other cause is unknown.
How big are they? How fast can they move?
There have been those who claim that Sasquatches are the size of humans, however, this is not true. Most agree that they are generally eight feet tall, but possibly larger. They are also said to be very strong, and athletic beings. Only a few people have seen a Sasquatch in the wild and managed to get a picture or a recording of a Sasquatch. The only way we can really know what they are if we actually catch one or shoot one.
Do they have any enemies?
There have not been specific animals, but there are some animals that would attack them, such as wolves, bears, mountain lions, and coyotes. However, these animals may not be their only assassins. Because there aren't many known sasquatches it is possible that man could be their only enemy. Also, it is possible that humans could possibly hunt them for their fur or meat.
Do they communicate?
This is another question that remains a mystery, although it is believed that Sasquatches have a form of language. If so, what language it may be is yet to be determined. Sasquatches have been documented to use different vocalizations, from sounds similar to a bird call to a "knocking" noise. Although the sounds may seem unintelligible, it is possible that they could be a form of language. Sasquatches are said to be very intelligent, and because of this, if they ever decide that humans are their enemy then there would be no stopping them. They are also said to be fast and agile, and very strong. Their strength is comparable to that of a gorilla.
Are they really intelligent?
Sasquatches are very intelligent, and this is reflected in the way they communicate with humans. Some have come forward to say that they believe sasquatches are indeed intelligent, as well as very emotional. What these people do not understand is that Sasquatches are also very practical in nature. They see animals and humans for what they are and do not have any interest in either.
Sasquatch's are also resourceful, as well as cunning. They know that they are outnumbered by humans and other animals, but like the animals they are, they will do whatever is necessary to stay alive. Sasquatches are very wise and do not take any action lightly.
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