I have been into the paranormal since I was a kid. I have enjoyed all kinds of topics such as the Loch Ness Monster and UFOs. However one of my favorites of all time has got to be the big guy “bigfoot”. Bigfoot is always been one of those hot topics which people completely do not believe in or are completely devoted to finding it. Not only is the topic hot blooded but so are the different character types within the Sasquatch community. The community has it all, from true believers to the individual's who are in it to make a fast buck. There are even a number of infamous individuals who are complete hoaxers and proud of it. The topic of Bigfoot is hot at the moment and everyone seems to have his or her thoughts on the subject. This blog is my take on recent Bigfoot sightings reports and alleged evidence found. Whether Bigfoot/Sasquatch is real or not really doesn’t make a difference, it’s still quite a story to ponder. From the indigenous Indians to modern times Bigfoot is the shining star of the Cryptozoology world. Is bigfoot real, you decide!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


What is cryptid? Cryptozoology is the study of creatures that are, or are thought to be, hidden from modern science. It is a discipline that includes zoology, paleontology, and systematic biology. The field of cryptozoology is sometimes called "the study of hidden animals" because it involves the search for new, non-documented animal species that are not yet recognized by the scientific community, or to prove that animals considered etched into mythology (such as Bigfoot) actually exist. Some people think they have an idea about what might be hiding in the dark. They think they know what’s out there. But no one has seen it… no one knows its name….no one knows its history… and there is no place on Earth where it can hide from us.

What are cryptids? In everyday language, a cryptid is a creature that has been reported by someone to be seen, often from an early period in history, but whose existence is considered questionable or unsupported by scientific evidence. In this dictionary, the term "cryptid" encompasses all creatures that science does not recognize as established species and therefore cannot explain. Most animal and plant identification and classification systems used today were developed in the 19th and 20th centuries. It's important to remember that many of these classifications have not been updated for hundreds of years and may represent inaccurate information.


Etymology of the word Cryptid:

Cryptid is derived from two words, “cryptozoology” and “animal.” Cryptozoology is the study of creatures that are unknown to science. Animal comes from the Latin animalis, which means "having breath." Therefore, cryptids are animals that are unknown to science. The suffix "id" refers to an organism or species of animal. Therefore, cryptids are animals that are unknown to science.

The term cryptid was coined by John E. Wall in 1983 in honor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (ISC). Wall is also credited with coining the term cryptozoology in 1983, and he is considered by most to be the person who created this field of study. Cryptozoology has grown in popularity over the past few decades.

Most cryptids are animals. However, some humans are also considered to be cryptids because they were reported before it was possible to photograph them or capture sound recordings of them on film or video. The field of cryptozoology has expanded greatly since its beginnings in the 19th century. Around that time, people started noticing that animals on Earth did not look like their known counterparts in other areas. Many people attributed this observation to evolution, but there was no proof of this at the time. Others simply shrugged it off as a coincidence. However, in the 1860s, Charles Darwin published his work on evolution. Although he never said that evolution took place over millions of years, many people still refer to his theory of evolution because they consider that this is probably how the world came to be. Today, most people know that evolution did not occur over millions of years. Instead, it is thought to have taken place over thousands to millions of years.

By the 1870s, people started noticing that animals in other areas were different from what was known in their own world. Many of these animals were described as being similar to known animals in some way, like having the same coloration or body structure. But there were also many reports of very different-looking animals. These reports became more frequent during the 20th century until the 1990s when the Internet became available to report sightings of cryptids.

In conclusion, cryptids are animals that are thought to exist, even though no one has caught them or shot a picture of them. These animals are thought to live in remote areas where it is difficult to find them. Some believe that the animals may be an example of evolution at work, while others disagree with this idea. There is also a debate about whether or not there has been enough time for these creatures to evolve. But no matter who believes what about evolution, most people agree that cryptids are fascinating.

Before reports of strange creatures could be posted on the internet, people had to write their sightings down on paper and submit them to magazine companies or newspaper publishers. These reports were then posted in their printed versions for other people to read.

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