I have been into the paranormal since I was a kid. I have enjoyed all kinds of topics such as the Loch Ness Monster and UFOs. However one of my favorites of all time has got to be the big guy “bigfoot”. Bigfoot is always been one of those hot topics which people completely do not believe in or are completely devoted to finding it. Not only is the topic hot blooded but so are the different character types within the Sasquatch community. The community has it all, from true believers to the individual's who are in it to make a fast buck. There are even a number of infamous individuals who are complete hoaxers and proud of it. The topic of Bigfoot is hot at the moment and everyone seems to have his or her thoughts on the subject. This blog is my take on recent Bigfoot sightings reports and alleged evidence found. Whether Bigfoot/Sasquatch is real or not really doesn’t make a difference, it’s still quite a story to ponder. From the indigenous Indians to modern times Bigfoot is the shining star of the Cryptozoology world. Is bigfoot real, you decide!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

What is mainstream science?

What is mainstream science? Mainstream science is a term that has been used to describe the idea of universally accepted scientific principles and theories. Mainstream science is that body of knowledge that has been published in peer-reviewed journals with the goal of being transmitted to the general public. It is virtually impossible for any scientist to make a groundbreaking discovery without publishing their findings, usually in mainstream journals. This means that anything published in these main journals is generally accepted by scientists around the world for many years afterward. Mainstream science is universally accepted and regarded as the most accurate and authoritative expression of current scientific consensus. It is explained using extensive academic jargon that can be difficult to understand for those without a set of definitions to reference.

Mainstream science is the branch of science that has been subject to peer review and publication in academic journals. Mainstream science includes research findings on evolution, climate change, and vaccination. Mainstream science is the process of understanding and explaining natural phenomena with empiricism based on empirical evidence, and which can be reliably reproduced. Mainstream figures: Physicist Albert Einstein, Physiologist Charles Darwin. There is a general consensus with most people accepting the findings of Mainstream scientists.

What is mainstream science?

Mainstream science is a term used for the studies and common practices of modern or contemporary sciences. It is often contrasted with fringe science, which is considered to be incorrect or uncommon. In other words, if it has been scientifically proven then it's mainstream, if not then it's not as widely accepted as scientific truth because there isn't enough evidence.

Mainstream science can include social sciences and humanities, which addresses questions such as human nature and human behavior. Academic jargon is defined as the language used by academics to communicate their discoveries and knowledge. This language is typically composed of specialized terminology that may be difficult to understand if you are not familiar with it. Social Sciences and humanities are fields of research within the natural sciences that deal with questions outside of natural sciences including anthropology, sociology, literature, art history, linguistics, cultural studies, environmental studies, and so on. Examples include the study of human behavior, society, or social networks.

Mainstream science is a social institution that has been the dominant force in the production of knowledge for centuries. Mainstream science is the dominant force in the production of knowledge, which has shaped many aspects of society, including how we understand nature and our environment. We inhabit a world that is infused with science. This is a very interesting topic. I think that we exist in a world that has been influenced by science. Science has changed the way we think and perceive the world and it has also given us many great things such as medical advances and amazing technology. However, there are also some negatives to living in a world where science dominates. For example, people can become so focused on what science tells them instead of thinking for themselves and using their own knowledge. Science is an area in which many people are focused on what science tells them instead of all other factors.

The idea that mainstream science is “the science” can limit the ability of people to think for themselves when it comes to science. In the United States, many people allow mainstream science to dictate their beliefs and actions when in reality there are a plethora of ideas that revolve around what science says. In order to combat this, it is important for people to shift their focus from what is mainstream science and instead listen to what is actually being told by scientists in their respective fields.

What is the Scientific Method?

The scientific method is a step-by-step process of experimentation and inquiry that scientists use to investigate the natural world. The goal of the scientific method is to answer a question by predicting what will happen if a new hypothesis is true, testing the prediction, and then constructing an experiment to test the hypothesis. In order for a scientist's experiment to be considered valid, it must follow certain guidelines which are called "scientific protocols." One example of this is the double blind study.

The scientific method is a systematic process that permits the examination of scientific questions to determine if they are answerable through scientific experiments. The scientific method is not perfect, but it can be used to answer any questions which are derived from hypotheses. The scientific method consists of five basic steps, each with its own principles to guide the research. First, a testable question or hypothesis is identified, then an educated guess needs to be formulated. The scientific method is a systematic process of experimentation that is used to discover knowledge in natural sciences. The scientific method typically begins with observations about the natural world, which are then made into hypotheses. These are then tested through experiments and are either validated or rejected.

In conclusion, mainstream science is when a scientific consensus emerges from the investigation of competing hypotheses and data. There are many different types of science that all have their own goals and purposes. However, there is a general understanding that the goals of mainstream science are to better understand how we can make our lives better. The goals of mainstream science are to understand how we can make this world a better place. There is a general understanding that these goals come from the scientific community who dedicates themselves to exploring the various facets of our world in order to create a better understanding of how it works. This knowledge is then passed on to the rest of the population in an effort to make them more informed and able to live their lives more comfortably.

What does mainstream science think about bigfoot?

What does mainstream science think about bigfoot? The short answer is that it has never been proven that Bigfoot exists. Possible sightings have occurred all over North America and Europe, but no large-footprint tracks, DNA, or film evidence have been found to confirm the sighting. In the past few decades, scientists have studied this creature further in hopes of eventually proving its existence, but after years of inconclusive data, the scientific community has largely abandoned the search for Bigfoot.

And then there are those who believe that Bigfoot is real. There are thousands of sightings reported each year. And then there are those who maintain that Bigfoot is real and are actively searching for the elusive creature. Many of these Bigfoot hunters are well known, such as Dr. Jeff Meldrum, who teaches anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University. Dr. Meldrum has written several books about the Sasquatch phenomenon. He has also authored numerous articles on the subject.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum, a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University, believes that Sasquatch is an apelike hominid that roamed North America during the Pleistocene epoch. He has written several books about the Sasquatch phenomenon. Meldrum believes that the creature is similar to the Neanderthal, or Homo neanderthalensis, which was native to Europe and western Asia until it became extinct some 30,000 years ago. The Neanderthal was characterized by its large head, thick brow ridge, and protruding jaw. Meldrum believes that the Bigfoot has a large head, a prominent brow ridge, and a large jaw. Meldrum has spent much of his career studying the remains of the Neanderthals. He is convinced that the Bigfoot is a missing link between modern man and the Neanderthals.

What does mainstream science think about bigfoot?

In this article, we'll examine what mainstream science really thinks about bigfoot and whether there's a scientific explanation for these elusive creatures. We'll also look at some "unexplained" theories on how bigfoot might exist in our world today.

The Rationale of Science

Why is science so interested in bigfoot? And why do some people believe in the creature's existence? For most, it's likely because of an overwhelming desire to believe. A belief in something supernatural, or paranormal, may be comforting to the weak-minded who are struggling with daily life. But before you make up your mind about bigfoot's existence, let's look at how science works. Science is not concerned with whether a thing exists or not; it operates on cause and effect, which can't be denied if you observe the results night after night. For example, gravity has always operated on Earth regardless of whether humans believed in it.

Scientifically Understanding Bigfoot

To prove the existence of bigfoot, scientists would need to find traces of an animal that left oversized footprints, hair samples, or even touch DNA. Because bigfoot doesn't live in controlled environments like research institutions, studying them is difficult. Scientists must venture out into the wild where they might find well-preserved tissue samples or tracks left by the creature every so often. There's also an unspoken rule among many Bigfoot researchers that states you can't shoot or kill a bigfoot specimen because it would deprive the scientific community of valuable data.

The only current-day evidence of bigfoot can be traced back to just a few hundred years ago. After that point, stories about the bigfoot include the creature's appearance and behavior. Almost every "new" sighting seems to describe something different than what has been seen before as if the witness is seeing a different animal altogether. There are no skeletons of dinosaurs, no one has ever found a Bigfoot skeleton, either. 

If you accept that bigfoot exists today and believe it lived in North America thousands of years ago (as many people do), it would seem like the creature's remains should pop up somewhere eventually – but they haven't. Some people have suggested that bigfoot are an alien species, but if this were true, there would be even less proof of their existence. If you were to ask a skeptic what they think about bigfoot, or if they have proof that the creature doesn't exist, many would probably say that stories about bigfoot are nothing more than myths. 

In conclusion, it's quite possible that maybe bigfoot does live in North America today. But whether it's the same creature that lived during the Pleistocene is up for debate. And whether or not it's a fossil that escaped detection is also up for debate. The Sasquatch phenomenon has spawned countless myths and legends. Some of these tales may be based on actual events, while others are likely the product of an overactive imagination. There's no denying that some of these stories are entertaining, regardless of their origin.

Saturday, October 2, 2021


What is the Mothman? The Mothman is a legendary creature that has been reported in Point Pleasant, West Virginia since 1967. The Mothman is sometimes described as an ape-like humanoid with large black wings. The Mothman is often reported to fly through the night and flap its large black wings. Witnesses also claim to see glowing red eyes on the creature.

In brief, sightings of the Mothman have spanned six decades, including several years when multiple reports came in each month. In Point Pleasant, West Virginia, people have been reporting sightings of a figure known as the Mothman. This creature is described as being between 7 and 10 feet tall with glowing red eyes and a wingspan that spans over 10 feet. The Mothman first appeared in 1966 when five men were digging a grave near a tree line on a military base. The Mothman has been reported to be seen throughout the United States and Canada since 1966.


It has been seen in West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Tennessee, Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois. People who have seen the Mothman describe it as a large man-like creature with giant wings that may be up to 12 feet wide. Some people say that this creature often appears before disasters happen like earthquakes or floods. There are many different theories about the origin of this creature; some say it was an alien, while others claim it was a ghost. The most popular legend states that it is a warning from God that the end of the world or some other catastrophe is near and that we should repent and change our ways.

In any case, sightings of the Mothman have been on the rise since the 1990s. Number of Sightings According to the Mothman website, there have been over 1,800 reported sightings of the Mothman since 1966. That’s an average of about 60 reports per year. However, the number of sightings has picked up considerably in recent years. Over the last decade alone, there have been over 400 reported sightings per year. 

In conclusion, there is a lot of controversy over the sightings of the Mothman. The Mothman was seen quite a lot in the 1960’s and is still talked about today. Some people believe that the Mothman is a true creature, but others say it is nothing but a hoax. Furthermore, some people think that the Mothman is connected to the UFO phenomenon. Finally, some people think that the Mothman is an actual alien species. Who knows what the Mothman really is?  I hope you enjoyed this article. If you did, please like, comment, and subscribe!

Where Bigfoot has been spotted?

 Where Bigfoot has been spotted? In fact, there are over 200 different towns and cities all over the United States where people claim to have seen or heard Sasquatch. Some of these sightings are rather credible, while others are almost certainly hoaxes. It is difficult to distinguish the truth from the fiction, which is why it's so important to have sources that can cross check each other. When it comes to Bigfoot sightings, there are a few websites that have collected Bigfoot sightings from around the world. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the more credible reports of Bigfoot sightings and talk about what we know about this elusive cryptid. 

First, I would like to say that I personally believe there is some sort of giant human-like creature roaming the forests of North America. In fact, I believe there is a very good chance it is indeed a Sasquatch (Bigfoot) that is the source of all those reported sightings. First, let’s start with a definition: A Sasquatch is a cryptid (that is, a creature that is supposed to exist but hasn’t been proven to exist) that is described as resembling a large, hairy human being. It is tall and muscular. It walks on two legs and has long arms. It is believed to be very intelligent and more or less peaceful. There are some Bigfoot-like creatures, such as the yeti and the abominable snowman , that aren’t described as being the same size and strength of a Sasquatch.

Sasquatches have appeared in folklore and mythology across much of the world since ancient times. They have also been the subject of numerous modern reports and scientific studies. Although there has never been any physical evidence found to support their existence, sasquatches remain a part of popular culture. Absolutely nobody knows for sure if Sasquatches exist or not. But that hasn’t stopped people from reporting strange things they’ve seen in the wild. Theres a good chance that some of these sightings and encounters (if they're to be believed) involved people crossing paths with real Sasquatches.

Where Bigfoot has been spotted?

Where Bigfoot has been spotted mostly? There are lots of places where Bigfoot has been spotted, including many that I would never expect. But to me, there are two main areas in the U.S. where Bigfoot has been reported the most. One is in the northwest corner of Washington State and southeastern corner of British Columbia near Mt. St. Helen’s. The other area is a giant chunk of real estate from central California all the way up to north Wyoming, with lots of sightings reported from Colorado, Idaho and Montana as well.

Besides those regions, there are also reports of Bigfoot sightings in Alabama, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Now that we have a general idea where Sasquatches are being spotted, let’s start talking about some of these sightings. While the majority of sightings are reported by people who are out hiking , fishing , or camping, there are also people who have spotted Bigfoot while they were just relaxing in their backyard.

On February 21, 2016, a man from Texas recorded a strange sighting from his porch around 10:40 p.m. “I was just sitting on the back patio relaxing and a strange humanoid creature came out of the woods and stood there looking at me for a few seconds. I'm not sure what it was. I'm not positive it was a Bigfoot, but I'm almost positive it wasn't human.”

Another Sasquatch sighting that has caught the attention of researchers happened in 2008 in an area called Perdidos, in southwest Mexico. “The witness was driving (along Perdidos beach road) on February 20 2008, at around 9:00 am when he saw a strange creature through the windshield of his car. It was walking away from the road and toward the ocean, so he thought it would be a good idea to stop and get a better look.”

Bigfoot Sighting the Dalles, Oregon From a report submitted by a resident of the town named Tom: "I was with a friend fishing in the river near where Bigfoot is rumored to live. We were only casting from about 30-50 feet away from shore. We were fishing in a small pool in the river when we saw a splash in the middle of the pool. I thought it was another fish. The splash got bigger and bigger and then all of a sudden something came out of the water onto shore. It was very dark (bigfoot is gray) and it went straight for the woods. We were both shocked. It scared my friend so bad he almost jumped into my car. It was right about a 30 feet from us and we both saw it clearly. It turned around and looked at us for a few seconds. We ran up the bank and down the other side of river as fast as we could, to be safe.

Compared to other regions of the world, the United States has an unusually high number of Bigfoot sightings. This has led to the popular belief that the Sasquatch is an inhabitant of the United States. In fact, the presence of Sasquatch in North America is one of the biggest mysteries in cryptozoology. Scientists have been doing a lot of research on this creature because if sasquatches really exist, it could be evidence for the existence of other creatures that may also be real. The majority of Bigfoot sightings in the United States have occurred in the Pacific Northwest. The state of Washington has experienced the most sightings in the country, followed by California and Oregon.

I think it is highly likely that there are at least some cryptids (in other words, things we can’t see — animals — or people) in the United States. However, the area I’m most interested in is right here: Right here in Arizona and southern Utah. Bigfoot sightings and encounters with Sasquatch and/or Yeti (a Yeti-like creature) have been reported all over this region for many years now. We don’t know what it is, but I think that Yeti-like creatures exist as well as Bigfoot-like creatures (Sasquatches).

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


What is a Chupacabra? The Chupacabra is a Latin American legendary creature, or cryptid, said to inhabit parts of the Americas. It derives its name from the animal's habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock. The name comes from chupar (to suck) and cabra (goat). The first reported attack occurred in March 1995 in Puerto Rico. The creature was described as a goat- or sheep-like creature, of up to 1.8 meters in height, with a long neck, a body covered with thick hair and a bovine head on a cylindrical body.

People who have seen a Chupacabra say it is about 3-4 feet tall, has a row of spines down its back, big red eyes that glow at night with an unusual sheen, clawed hands that are the size of human hands with long fingers and sharp nails. They are often reported to have a low bark, high-pitched voice, and no feet. It is said to kill animals and suck their blood. The creature lurks in the shadows of trees and bushes, and when prey comes by, it grabs it with its long arms, legs, muzzle or tail.

Chupacabra attacks are rare, but the first reports of the creature were made in Puerto Rico. Several alleged sightings have taken place in parts of Texas, New Mexico, Southern California and Mexico. There is also one reported sighting in Canada near Niagara Falls. Many eyewitnesses describe a large hairless animal with bright red eyes attacking livestock without any provocation. The first species to be suggested as a possible ancestor was the extinct giant ground sloth, due to the creatures' apparent physical similarities. Subsequent research has refuted this theory. Chupacabra are one of the most mysterious creatures of our time.

What do Chupacabra sightings look like? The sightings are anecdotal and no physical evidence has been presented to verify the existence of the creature. Cryptozoologists describe the Chupacabra as a separate species of animal, unconnected with any other known predator or cryptid, and attribute its sightings to the westward spread of the coyote through Mexico into the United States. Several people who have seen a Chupacabra say it is about 3-4 feet tall, has a row of spines down its back, big red eyes that glow at night with an unusual sheen, clawed hands that are the size of human hands with long fingers and sharp nails. They are often reported to have a low bark, high-pitched voice, and no feet.

What do Chupacabra attacks look like? The Chupacabra's attacks are usually at night, and many farmers have reported that their livestock disappear overnight only to be found dead the next day. The carcasses are sometimes found with little or no blood in them. Some researchers believe that the eyes of the creature glow red in the dark because it no longer has hair, not because of its inner light source. Many others speculate that it might be some sort of alien predator.

Chupacabra reports are usually preceded by sightings of large coyotes. Could there be more than one creature? While some people think the Chupacabra is simply another name for the coyote, others believe many other animals are responsible. One theory suggests that small dogs, pumas or other predators are responsible, but there has been no evidence to support this claim.

Could there be humans involved in hunting these animals? Some researchers speculate that people could be involved in hunting them down because of their perceived evil behavior. However, many other scientists say that it is likely that the Chupacabras are not being hunted down by humans at all.

Cryptozoologists believe that the Chupacabra crosses back and forth between the American continents. Could there be more than one? Due to the lack of physical evidence, most scientists believe that there is only one Chupacabra. However, some scientists believe that there may be more. One theory suggests that they are intentional cross-breeds created by animal experimentation programs at Area 51 or other similar sites.  One researcher, Don Leslie, argues that their origin stems from extraterrestrial intelligence experiments on captive animals.

In conclusion, the scientific community is skeptical that the Chupacabra is a living organism. While some people think that it is a cryptid, most scientists believe that it is an urban legend. However, there are some scientists who do believe in the creature, and they will go to great lengths to prove its existence. If or when more evidence for it appears, I will re-write this post with a new title and update this list with this new information. 


What is cryptid? Cryptozoology is the study of creatures that are, or are thought to be, hidden from modern science. It is a discipline that includes zoology, paleontology, and systematic biology. The field of cryptozoology is sometimes called "the study of hidden animals" because it involves the search for new, non-documented animal species that are not yet recognized by the scientific community, or to prove that animals considered etched into mythology (such as Bigfoot) actually exist. Some people think they have an idea about what might be hiding in the dark. They think they know what’s out there. But no one has seen it… no one knows its name….no one knows its history… and there is no place on Earth where it can hide from us.

What are cryptids? In everyday language, a cryptid is a creature that has been reported by someone to be seen, often from an early period in history, but whose existence is considered questionable or unsupported by scientific evidence. In this dictionary, the term "cryptid" encompasses all creatures that science does not recognize as established species and therefore cannot explain. Most animal and plant identification and classification systems used today were developed in the 19th and 20th centuries. It's important to remember that many of these classifications have not been updated for hundreds of years and may represent inaccurate information.


Etymology of the word Cryptid:

Cryptid is derived from two words, “cryptozoology” and “animal.” Cryptozoology is the study of creatures that are unknown to science. Animal comes from the Latin animalis, which means "having breath." Therefore, cryptids are animals that are unknown to science. The suffix "id" refers to an organism or species of animal. Therefore, cryptids are animals that are unknown to science.

The term cryptid was coined by John E. Wall in 1983 in honor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (ISC). Wall is also credited with coining the term cryptozoology in 1983, and he is considered by most to be the person who created this field of study. Cryptozoology has grown in popularity over the past few decades.

Most cryptids are animals. However, some humans are also considered to be cryptids because they were reported before it was possible to photograph them or capture sound recordings of them on film or video. The field of cryptozoology has expanded greatly since its beginnings in the 19th century. Around that time, people started noticing that animals on Earth did not look like their known counterparts in other areas. Many people attributed this observation to evolution, but there was no proof of this at the time. Others simply shrugged it off as a coincidence. However, in the 1860s, Charles Darwin published his work on evolution. Although he never said that evolution took place over millions of years, many people still refer to his theory of evolution because they consider that this is probably how the world came to be. Today, most people know that evolution did not occur over millions of years. Instead, it is thought to have taken place over thousands to millions of years.

By the 1870s, people started noticing that animals in other areas were different from what was known in their own world. Many of these animals were described as being similar to known animals in some way, like having the same coloration or body structure. But there were also many reports of very different-looking animals. These reports became more frequent during the 20th century until the 1990s when the Internet became available to report sightings of cryptids.

In conclusion, cryptids are animals that are thought to exist, even though no one has caught them or shot a picture of them. These animals are thought to live in remote areas where it is difficult to find them. Some believe that the animals may be an example of evolution at work, while others disagree with this idea. There is also a debate about whether or not there has been enough time for these creatures to evolve. But no matter who believes what about evolution, most people agree that cryptids are fascinating.

Before reports of strange creatures could be posted on the internet, people had to write their sightings down on paper and submit them to magazine companies or newspaper publishers. These reports were then posted in their printed versions for other people to read.

cryptozoology meaning

What is cryptozoology? Cryptozoology is the study of creatures that are, or are thought to be, hidden from modern science. It is a discipline that includes zoology, paleontology, and systematic biology. These include elusive animals such as the Loch Ness Monster, reports of which date back to 565 A.D., Sasquatch sightings in 1810 in North America and sightings of giant squid in 1868 off the coast of New Zealand. Cryptozoologists look for evidence supporting or disputing these reported sightings through methods including an examination of historical records and folklore sources.

The idea of "cryptids" - which is what cryptozoologists refer to these hidden or undiscovered animals as - has its origins in the works of naturalists like Charles Darwin, whose theories of evolution and survival of the fittest relied on the fact that there are many life forms that humans have not discovered. Cryptozoology is an outgrowth of the research Darwin did, though it looks at creatures that appear to be extinct or just very rarely seen. The formal name for this field is zoology or zoölogy, but in popular culture it's known as cryptozoology.

A cryptid is a creature whose existence or survival has been suggested but not proven. This includes creatures that have been seen, but whose origins have not been confirmed, as well as those that have no physical evidence of their existence whatsoever. Cryptozoology studies a wide variety of creatures, from standard terrestrial mammals to sea monsters and even to flying creatures, including alien life forms.


One famous report of a cryptid creature came from 1980 in Loch Ness, Scotland. A photograph taken at the lake shows what appears to be a large serpent-like head peering out of the water's surface. It was titled "The Surgeon's Photo" because it was taken by Dr. Robert Rines, a doctor and cryptozoology enthusiast.

Cryptids can also be plants like the redwood tree, which was once thought to be extinct until it was found growing in a remote valley in northern California. Animals that are not extinct, but still rarely seen, such as the giant squid and the okapi, are also considered cryptids. These creatures can include creatures that may be harmful or dangerous to humans if they were found on land or if they swam far enough into lakes and oceans. Since they inhabit lakes and oceans around the world without human interference, these rare animals pose a threat to modern populations.

In 1906, a large snake-like creature was spotted in the water of Lake Heron in Manitoba. The creature was estimated to be between 40 and 55 feet long and had a head approximately 8 feet across and reddish-brown coloration along its entire body. The creature was estimated to weigh between one and two tons, but it disappeared into the depths of the lake before any biologists could reach it.

Cryptozoology places a heavy emphasis on eyewitness accounts because of the dearth of physical evidence for many cryptids. One such account is of an alleged Bigfoot sighting in 1996 by David Paulides. Paulides claims to be a cryptozoologist who has investigated the Bigfoot phenomenon for over a decade. He is currently working on a project that investigates missing persons cases in North America. In his book, "Missing 411," Paulides hypothesizes that many people have been abducted by Bigfoot and describes several of these sightings, including one from 2003 of two hunters who were reportedly chased by a large ape-like creature through the woods of Arkansas.

Cryptozoologists sometimes claim that some dolphins may be an unknown species called “megadolphins” – larger than the average dolphin – which have been seen occasionally since at least 1957 off the coast of South Africa. Some of the sightings of megadolphins seem to include evidence such as a dorsal fin and a body length of about 11 feet.

Cryptozoologists have been criticized for creating too much attention around fantastic claims through the media. In the past, people have been convicted of making up a story about a strange creature seen in the woods - because of all the attention that was given to it by cryptozoologists and media sources. Some critics argue that many of these mysterious creatures are based not on evidence, but on preconceived notions.

Cryptozoology is an interesting field that has caught the attention of many scientists and explorers alike. However, there's a great deal of skepticism surrounding this discipline because there's no hard evidence supporting its findings.

The International Society of Cryptozoology was formed in 1982 at a meeting held in New York City by Loren Coleman, Loren Coleman, Karl Shuker, Bernard Heuvelmans and other prominent cryptozoologists. The organization produced a journal titled "Cryptozoology" from 1983 to 1989, and has since been inactive. The Center for Fortean Zoology (CFZ) is a British-based organisation founded in 1992 by zoologist Richard Freeman and cryptozoologist Mike Gates. Its aims are to investigate reports of "unexplained animals" and raise awareness of such creatures. The American Society of Cryptozoology (ASC) was formed in 1982 as an affiliate organization of the International Society of Cryptozoology. The society was dissolved with the death of its founder, Roy P. Mackal, in 2003.

In conclusion, there really are a lot of unknown or hidden creatures in the world that have been reported by eyewitnesses. These creatures have been sighted since the beginning of time, and they have even come to light in modern times. They're still a mystery, however, and there is no real proof that any of them exist. Sign Up Today! Get the inside scoop on the latest breaking news, anomalies, mysteries and more! 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

How many people believe in bigfoot?

 How many people believe in bigfoot? Thats a very interesting question is it not? let's begin with what is a bigfoot anyway? A bigfoot is a primate that is thought to be a large hairy ape-like creature, making it seem like a possible candidate for the elusive sasquatch. It is also known as "a cryptid" or "an alpha-predator". It has been said in some circles that bigfoots could stand more than 10 feet tall and weigh up to half a ton.

Some people say they live in remote parts of North America, while others believe that there are pockets of them all around the world. Whatever you believe about these creatures, there are many people who have seen them in person and swear on their existence. I personally do not believe that there is any true creature out there that does not have a logical explanation. 

First a little history on bigfoot, sightings have around for decades. Sasquatch was in American Indian spoken word for countless years. Way before becoming s pop icon around the world. The first real sightings of this creature were made by natives. Most people wondered why Indians would talk about sasquatch, furthermore they wondered why they would take the time to draw pictures of them. At that time not many people believed them so they called them crazy and dismissed their claims. 

How many people believe in bigfoot?

Fast forward to the 1700s when European settlers came across Native Americans who talked about these creatures, the settlers thought this was nonsense and ignored their stories as well. Then Europeans started seeing bigfoot for themselves, so much so that a lot of people had never believed in them before actually start seeing them for themselves. The first non-natives to see bigfoot were trappers and hunters in the Pacific Northwest. The Indians believed that these creatures were put on earth by the Great Spirit. The white man began to view this mythical creature as the ultimate unknown creature. 

Bigfoot, hairy man, sasquatch has been in indigenous Indian folklore far longer than we actually know. The first reported mention of sasquatch was in journals by David Thompson, a Canadian-American fur trapper. He is credited as being first to describe the creature as "the spirit of the woods", on June 29, 1799. The native American word sasquatch is believed to have been derived from a Cree Indian word for "wild man." A legend told among the Cree Nation states that a tribe would send out many scouts and warriors to fight off these wild men before they would commit themselves to war. Bigfoot is largely accepted and respected within the American Indian culture. Hopefully I have explained well, I mean no disrespect at all. Now going back to the original question.

Sasquatch is the most widely reported sighting of an unidentified creature in the world. Many sightings and reports have been made from across America and across the globe. It's not only the Indians who have seen these creatures. It's a bigfoot sighting on record for almost every state. I live in Pennsylvania; I've heard plenty of stories growing up about sightings that have occurred right here in my state. Bigfoot is a hairy hominid that resides mainly in forested areas throughout North America.

How many people believe in bigfoot? We are talking about the general public now. Many people around the world believe in bigfoot and have reported sightings. There is a lot of evidence that suggests that bigfoot is truly a living creature. He has been spotted by hundreds and even thousands of people who swear they know what they saw. Many people have also seen his tracks and those tracks are so large no man could fit into them. 

Then why don't more governments or law enforcement officials openly acknowledge their existence? They choose not to at this time because they need more information and data about them before they can do that. Many people still believe in bigfoot. It's a matter of fact that every time these creatures are spotted by the public or reported it sparks quite a controversy online. You can't make someone believe something that they didn't before you mention it.

The arguments against bigfoot are mostly anecdotal evidence and various personal experiences with them. The most common argument is that they are just too supernatural to be taken seriously; however, this does not mean there aren't truths within these stories. There have been numerous reports of bigfoot in Civil War era tunnels under the Gettysburg battlefield (see section below), and there have been documented sightings of the creature being quite aggressive when they appear on film or photographs.

Most law enforcement agencies are not aware of the existence of this creature. Some of them do know and don't believe in it. Others still are starting to believe what the public is saying about him. I will give you my personal opinion of the whole bigfoot phenomenon in my state. Pennsylvania has the most Bigfoot sightings by far than any other state. Pennsylvania is home to many large national parks including the Poconos Mountains, Allegheny National Forest, and many more forests that have reported sightings. 

Pennsylvania Bigfoot sightings date back centuries and they continue today as a more recent trend within the state's counties. Some are taking a closer look at it and evaluating their own encounters that they might have had. At least one government agency (FBI) has admitted to pursuing scientific research in the existence of these creatures at least once.

In conclusion, I believe it's fair to say quite a number of folks believe in bigfoot. After all, there's plenty of evidence to suggest some sort of sasquatch is out there. The truth is, bigfoot has been documented all over the world in different cultures and centuries. He has been seen in Civil War era tunnels beneath the Gettysburg battlefield. There have also been reports of his aggressive behaviors when he's discovered on film or photographs. Biologist and historian Jeff Meldrum believes that there have been great strides made toward debunking hoaxes and folk legends. I believe not, but that a lot of these folks are just individuals who want to believe in something that is unexplainable. Many people who are witness to this creature still maintain strong faith in its existence and some even go so far as to say they've encountered it themselves. 

Also, if you've got an opinion or theory to share, leave a note in the comments below! Read on for more articles about bigfoots sightings in North America and around the world! It's not as crazy as they say.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

why bigfoot doesn't exist

 Bigfoot is huge these days. Hes a bono fide rock star. The Sasquatch has become a mascot for our times, with major sightings, the first ever on-screen celebrity interview, and a full-length bronze statue in his honor. Though I've always been a fan of Bigfoot's mystique and its hallmark unexplained case files, the lack of concrete evidence still has me on the fence.

The search for Bigfoot has been going on for decades now with no body to show for it (no pun intended.) While I don't need a body to believe in Bigfoot's existence, I'm certain that proof positive will come in the form of a corpse. In my opinion, if we don't have that by now then we probably never will.

why bigfoot doesn't exist

This is where the ongoing dispute between Bigfoot enthusiasts and skeptics come in. While skeptics look to Bigfoot DNA, and see it as a way to prove the legend's existence, believers look to physical evidence such as footprints and hair samples. Bigfoot enthusiasts claim without any real evidence that this absence of tangible proof is simply because there is no such thing as Bigfoot. Skeptics dismiss this claim on the grounds that there are plenty of physical anomalies in nature which exist but are not yet proven. I believe that what we have here is a classic case of ignorance vs. education.

Reasons why bigfoot doesn't exist. (From a skeptic's point of view)

1) No bigfoot has been caught or killed so far and yet we usually find dead animals with ease.

2) All the photographs and videos of bigfoot are not of any good quality so it's hard to see for sure if it's really a bigfoot or just a human in costume.

3) The sightings could be mistaken sightings of other things like bears, people wearing costumes, and/or novelties like changes in temperature that causes nuts to grow on trees along animal trails.

4) Continuing deforestation is causing more animals to move into areas where they have not lived before which is why many people might mistake them for being something new like bigfoot.

5) The "new" sightings might just be a few weird people who read the same books as the other people in their area.

6) There is not enough evidence to support that bigfoot exists (so no autopsy or DNA samples are taken).

7) Bigfoot could be a hoax by someone who just wants attention.

Reasons why it could exist:

1) They are not of human origin and they have been here longer than humans have. There is evidence from rock paintings and wood carvings of people with antlers and shaggy hair being around much longer than humans.

2) It has been speculated that a bigfoot is an undiscovered species of a giant ape that could be a possible missing link between humans and other animals like apes. Yet the supposed ape looks very human with many human features including fingers, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and even hair (hair on the head and arms).

3) Some have said that it's related to ghosts and other paranormal activity.

4) Many people believe bigfoot is actually an alien living on Earth. The bigfoot sightings have been reported all over North America along with UFO sightings being reported in these areas also. Many people who claim to have seen both bigfoot and UFOs think they are linked together somehow.

And there you have it. Hope you found it an interesting read. please let us know are you a believer or not. If you have an opinion on any of the topics covered in these controversial topics blog, please feel free to comment! We love discussion!

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Saturday, June 12, 2021

What Is A Sasquatch

What Is a Sasquatch? Sasquatch is a legendary ape-like creature reportedly sighted throughout North America. The term sasquatch comes from a Native American language meaning "hairy man" or "wild man", the creature's English name is also derived from this. Although it may be difficult to define, there are many characteristics that are associated with sightings of Sasquatches, including large footprints, seven-toed tracks in the snow and mud; six-fingered hands; a bowed torso; dark reddish-brown hair color and skin tone, and very large eyes with white sclerae.

Where does Sasquatch live?

Sasquatch is believed to live in the Pacific Northwest, mostly in western Canada, Washington state, and Oregon. Sasquatch is an American Indian name for the legendary ape-like creature of Native American folklore. The name is derived from "Sata" (Sioux) and "Quts", which means "wild man". Some also believe it's native to the whole United States and Canada. Throughout the northwest part of the country, there have been a large number of sightings and footprints have been found from Sasquatches.

What Is A Sasquatch

What do they eat?

There are many factors that contribute to what Bigfoot may feed on or survive off of, such as vegetation; insects; fish/animals; berries, fruits, or nuts. Because there have not been known sasquatches captured or killed by humans we can't be certain as to what they will actually eat or survive off of. That being said, there are a few items that people believe could make a decent meal for a sasquatch. One of those items is wild game. Wild game has many uses, uses that would be beneficial for both humans and sasquatches. Wild game can provide food for the sasquatch.

What does a sasquatch sound like?

A variety of reports about sasquatches have been given, and it is a mystery as yet to be solved. One type of sound that has been reported or believed by many is a "whinny" or low-frequency series of sounds, similar to a deep growl with the "humming" sound in between. Whether these sounds are produced naturally or due to some other cause is unknown.

How big are they? How fast can they move?

There have been those who claim that Sasquatches are the size of humans, however, this is not true. Most agree that they are generally eight feet tall, but possibly larger. They are also said to be very strong, and athletic beings. Only a few people have seen a Sasquatch in the wild and managed to get a picture or a recording of a Sasquatch. The only way we can really know what they are if we actually catch one or shoot one.

Do they have any enemies?

There have not been specific animals, but there are some animals that would attack them, such as wolves, bears, mountain lions, and coyotes. However, these animals may not be their only assassins. Because there aren't many known sasquatches it is possible that man could be their only enemy. Also, it is possible that humans could possibly hunt them for their fur or meat.

Do they communicate?

This is another question that remains a mystery, although it is believed that Sasquatches have a form of language. If so, what language it may be is yet to be determined. Sasquatches have been documented to use different vocalizations, from sounds similar to a bird call to a "knocking" noise. Although the sounds may seem unintelligible, it is possible that they could be a form of language. Sasquatches are said to be very intelligent, and because of this, if they ever decide that humans are their enemy then there would be no stopping them. They are also said to be fast and agile, and very strong. Their strength is comparable to that of a gorilla.

Are they really intelligent?

Sasquatches are very intelligent, and this is reflected in the way they communicate with humans. Some have come forward to say that they believe sasquatches are indeed intelligent, as well as very emotional. What these people do not understand is that Sasquatches are also very practical in nature. They see animals and humans for what they are and do not have any interest in either.

Sasquatch's are also resourceful, as well as cunning. They know that they are outnumbered by humans and other animals, but like the animals they are, they will do whatever is necessary to stay alive. Sasquatches are very wise and do not take any action lightly.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Sasquatch Encounter

Sasquatch is a bigfoot-like creature described in folklore. The mythical beast is said to resemble a large, hairy human with an opposable thumb on its feet and is most often reported in the Pacific Northwest states of the United States and Canada. Although sightings of sasquatch are still recorded today, there is no proof that the creature exists outside of legend or hoax. Sasquatch encounters are strange phenomena that continue to pose a conundrum for cryptozoologists and researchers alike. While there are many eyewitness accounts of sasquatch sightings in the Pacific North West, scientific evidence that these creatures actually exist has yet to be presented, leading most to dismiss them as a myth. 

However, some people subscribe to the idea that the sasquatch is a relict species of some kind. Resembling a human with an opposable thumb on its feet and weighing up to 1,000 pounds, sasquatch is usually depicted as a thickly built dark-brown hominid keeping to itself and living in remote wooded areas. Usually nocturnal, it is most active at dusk or dawn when one might potentially encounter the beast. The sasquatch is not seen too much by humans, either. The mythical animal rarely interacts with people except when defending its own territory or eating presumably.

Sasquatch Encounter

A list of characteristics that are known to be present during Sasquatch encounters include:

 1) Bigfoot is said to be nocturnal 

 2) Bigfoot encounters are often times associated with a strong odor/foul stench. Usually described as rotting food/garbage mixed with wet dog. No one seems to be able to identify exactly what this odor might be, but it's very distinctive. 

3) Bigfoot is said to hunt small animals like squirrels, rabbits, and mice.

4)The elusive creatures have been known to knock over/rip up tents and sleeping bags on occasion. Probably searching for food.

5) Sasquatch has been known to produce a loud knocking sound.

6) Sasquatch is said to dematerialize. Blending into the surroundings at will. 

7) Bigfoot has been known to lurk in and around human campsites after the subjects have left. Studying the tracks or signs left behind by the intruders.

8) Sasquatch has been known to make loud noises, running around barking or growling before/during an encounter. In some cases, it's even said that sasquatch can be heard talking. 

9) Bigfoot is said to have large feet in proportion with its body size. 

10) Sightings of sasquatch are often accompanied by large amounts of hair.

11) Humanoid; covered with hair; bipedal; intelligent; sasquatch is said to be very fast and agile when fleeing or running away from a potential threat. 

12) Sasquatch is said to have an extremely powerful grip strength; capable of crushing, twisting, and snapping bones like twigs or branches in its hands.

13) Bigfoot's diet consists of mostly plants, fruit, and roots that it forages for on the ground and from trees in its environment.

In conclusion, if you happen to encounter a bigfoot, slowly back away and leave the area as quickly as possible. If you can't back away fast enough, try to get as far away from it as possible. Do whatever you can to keep yourself safe. Stay calm and don't panic. Once you're out of sight, try to find a place to hide until it's light out again. From there, you can follow tracks left behind and continue the search for answers. Better safe than sorry! 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

The Yeti

What is the Yeti? The Yeti (/ˈjɛti/),[1] also known as Meh-Teh in Himalayan folklore, is an ape-like beast purported to inhabit the Himalayan mountain range in Asia. In western popular culture, the creature is usually referred to as the Abominable Snowman. Supposed evidence of the Yeti's existence constitutes anecdotal visual sightings, disputed video recordings, photographs, casts of large footprints, etc. Some of these are speculated or known to be hoaxes.

Folklorists trace the origin of the Yeti to a combination of factors including Sherpa folklore and misidentified fauna such as bear or yak. Mainstream science has largely discredited the Yeti's existence for these reasons. Much like Bigfoot, a similar alleged creature said to reside in North America, the Yeti has become an icon of cryptozoology and a part of modern popular culture. To date, no evidence of the Yeti has been independently verified by scientists.

The scientific community has universally rejected the idea of a large, hairy, non-human creature located in the Himalayas. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) lists the Yeti in its "Green Book" as an "urban legend". The British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) calls the Yeti "a non-existent animal". Cryptozoologists and other enthusiasts reject these statements, citing alleged sightings from all over the world and claims of Himalayan footprints as evidence.


The origin of the Yeti claims appears to be in Nepal. The term "Yeti" is an amalgamation of the Nepalese words for "abominable snowman" (kuswa-ling) and is a reference to Sherpa folklore. The Sherpa people are a Tibetan ethnic group. The name "Sherpa" stems from Sherwa, meaning "east" in Tibetan. Sherpas are most closely related to the Kham Tibetans, but live in the Solukhumbu District of Nepal. They speak the Sherpa language, which belongs to the Tibetan branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family.

A Yeti is traditionally depicted as having a broad face and a rounded nose with wide-set eyes. The Yeti is substantially larger than most other indigenous bears found in Asia: it is usually described as being between 5 feet (1.5 m) and 10 feet (3.0 m) tall. The Yeti is also reportedly covered with dense fur, a trait that is characteristic of its presumed bear-like relatives in the genus Ursus.

In Indian mythology, the Yeti is a snow-demon. In Nepal, it is considered a spirit of ruggedness. The creature is rarely seen, and the locations associated with it are secret. Yeti sightings are also reported in Bhutan and Tibet (where it is known as the Migo). While some of these sightings and recordings have been debunked as hoaxes, casts of reputed "yeti footprints" from the Himalaya have been handed down from generation to generation as authentic artifacts. Well known sites that document footprints include Taklakot, Gokyo Ri, and Pangboche.

Cryptozoology is the study of hidden animals and was the creation of British zoologist Bernard Heuvelmans (1916-2001). Heuvelmans created the term cryptozoology in the early 1950s as a subdiscipline of zoology. The word, derived from Greek, means "hidden animals" (crypto-) and (-zoos).

Heuvelmans used cryptozoology to cover not only recently discovered animals but also any animal which has ever been suggested to exist but for which there is little or no evidence. This includes legendary creatures such as the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, the Himalayan Yeti, and Yowie man, as well as extinct species such as the dinosaur. In its most extreme form, it may include even forms of life that have never been suggested to exist at all in modern times.

Bigfoot Skeptics

Bigfoot skeptics are people who believe that Bigfoot does not exist. They argue that there is a lack of evidence to prove the existence of Bigfoot. Skeptics also say that there are many hoaxes of Bigfoot being caught on camera. Skeptics claim that sightings of Bigfoot are misidentifications of other animals, such as black bears. They also argue that Bigfoot is a combination of several smaller animals combined to make one big animal.

Bigfoot skeptics say that the lack of fossil evidence is proof that Bigfoot never existed. They believe that most people who believe they have seen Bigfoot are confused and are seeing things. Skeptics also say that most people who claim to have seen Bigfoot are just looking for attention. Cynics also say that people who claim to have encounters with Bigfoot are just looking for a good story, or they are using Bigfoot to get their names in the news. Doubters say that there has never been an actual picture or video of a real Bigfoot.

Bigfoot skeptics say that people who claim to have captured Bigfoot are lying. They say that people who claim to have captured Bigfoot on camera are easily fooled by things like bears, and sometimes they pretend to be Bigfoot in order to get money or attention. Cynics also say that some creature calling itself Sasquatch is a man in an ape mask, not the real thing at all. Some doubters study photos and videos of supposed Sasquatch and find that the video footage was shot at the same time as some other animal. Critics also say that hoaxers use wires attached to their clothes so they can manipulate their images on a camera. Skeptics say that this is the most common hoax used by those who claim to have captured Bigfoot. 

People who are skeptical say that if there was a real Bigfoot kept in captivity, it would be easy to prove. Skeptics think that if the government had a real Bigfoot in captivity, they would bring him out. Skeptics believe that the people who tell stories of having encounters with Bigfoot are mostly men making up stories or women with mental problems believing what they see, or children making up a story or just getting into mischief and finding it interesting and fun to lie about stuff like this. Bigfoot skeptics do not believe that Bigfoot exists. They say that such creatures do not exist and there is no concrete evidence that they exist. Some skeptics believe that Bigfoot does exist, but it is just a legend or a myth. These skeptics do not believe Bigfoot exists, but they do agree that the legend is interesting.

A common idea in the skepticism community is that reports of Sasquatch sightings and encounters are the result of primates concealed in bushes or trees. Proponents of this theory describe a primate such as a spider monkey, chimpanzee, or gibbon (the last two being common in North America) being seen from an angle that conceals its hands and feet, thus giving the impression of a "man-ape" type creature. 

According to proponents of this theory, many witnesses have spotted these primates without realizing what they are seeing, and so turn Bigfoot into a "monster". There are numerous clips on YouTube which supposedly show spider monkeys (for example) perched in trees. Some skeptics dismiss these clips as inconclusive. A British researcher who has spent over 30 years investigating Bigfoot claims calls himself a skeptic when it comes to the subject but does not believe it is fake. He thinks that the lack of bones and carcasses found over the years is due to the fact that Sasquatch either decomposes very quickly or its remains are eaten by other animals such as bears or wolves.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

What Is Bigfoot

What is bigfoot? Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is a cryptid that inhabits the forests of North America. The creature is said to be a large, hairy ape-like being that walks upright. Alleged sightings are reported in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

Bigfoot is often described as a large, muscular, bipedal ape-like mammal covered in hair. It is commonly said to stand at least six feet tall and can weigh up to 1,000 pounds. The most famous footage of Bigfoot was filmed in 1967 by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin. The film was named The Patterson–Gimlin film. The footage shows an unidentified creature walking away from the camera. It has long been a source of controversy, but many believe that it is real. Since the filming, there have been multiple sightings of Bigfoot in different areas of North America.

What Is Bigfoot

Bigfoot has become a pop-culture icon and is often featured in movies, TV shows, and web series as well as other forms of media. The International Bigfoot Symposium is an annual conference that began in 1985 and includes many researchers who study Bigfoot. Another famous sighting of the creature was the Chewbacca incident of 2005. Three people reported seeing a Bigfoot creature while driving along a Colorado highway at night. They claim that they saw an ape-like creature standing near the right shoulder of the road that appeared to have been holding some sort of stick or weapon in its left hand.

The scientific community has largely discounted the notion of bigfoot's existence, mainly attributing reports to folklore, misidentification, and hoaxes (the pictures and video footage of which are typically poor quality). Still, some scientists acknowledge the possibility that a relict population of great apes might exist in North America. To date, these scientists have found no evidence to support this other than anecdotal evidence from Native Americans who report stories passed on through oral traditions.

Bigfoot has been the subject of numerous sightings across the United States of America. In western Washington, Bigfoot is reportedly known as Sasquatch. The word "Sasquatch" originated from a Native American language meaning "spirit of the forest" with some sources comparing it to an earlier name for Bigfoot as Skookum which came from the Salishan language meaning "man-beast".

Theories of what is bigfoot:

1) A gorilla-like creature - a great ape or a primitive hominid.

2) Bigfoot is an undiscovered primate

3) A ghost, spirit, demon, or other entity 

4) An alien being 

5) An animal that escapes detection by humans

6) A human who has gone feral

7) A shapeshifting creature

8) A ghostly apparition.

9) An extraterrestrial being

10) An apelike creature.

11) A hoax, prank, or conspiration by someone other than bigfoot researchers 

12) The physical manifestation of an individual's dream or hallucinations following dreams/hallucinations related to ghosts and paranormal experiences. 

There are a number of individual pieces of evidence that have been put forward over the years as possible proof of the existence of bigfoot or sasquatch. These include photos, videos, audio recordings, and alleged bodies. However, none have provided conclusive proof beyond reasonable doubt for the existence of an animal in cryptozoology and most are readily explainable as hoaxes or misidentification.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

How To Draw Bigfoot

 How to draw bigfoot properly. This is the common question that seems to pop up in online communities. Although there are many different techniques and methods of getting the perfect drawing, we have a few tips to help you out. Keep on reading!

1) Start with some extra-large paper for your first try

- This will help when smoothing out your lines to ensure they’re aligned properly. You can get some paper at any art store or stationery stores such as Staples or Office Depot.

2) Get in a comfortable position

- Make sure you’re sitting or standing up straight. The last thing you want is to get cramps in your hands or back.

How To Draw Bigfoot

3) Sketch out the outline of the body, shoulders, and head of Bigfoot on a piece of paper first.

- This will act as a guide so that you can keep the flow going when drawing his features. You could even draw it on your computer before transferring it to paper that way too. Just make sure it’s light enough for you to clean up later if need be but dark enough for you to see what you are doing while sketching.

4) Get the general shape of the body and features right before you start detailing.

- This will help save time and give you a better idea of what you are working with. If it’s your first time drawing Bigfoot, it’s best to start simple. You can always work on making him more detailed later.

5) Work in a well-lit area (or at least where there is plenty of light). This helps reduce mistakes caused by poor lighting. Almost as good, if not better than having all the lights on in a dark room is to have some lights in that room near the walls and brighter light source(s) in other areas of the room.

- If your drawing starts to look terrible, go check the lights and see if they are too bright or dim. You can also try drawing with the lights on in another room and make sure they’re not too close to you. Make sure that people coming home don’t remember that you were working in a corner darkroom before their eyes when they get home.

6) Start with putting down a light pencil line to establish the outline of the body, shoulders, and head.

- Try to connect all of the features such as eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and lips. These are basic lines that should be done first. Then add in any additional details such as eyebrows or hair that will form a natural base.

7) Draw in all of the basic body shapes first before adding in any extra details such as hair or facial features. This is because you want to ensure that you have enough thickness on the body without having too much bulk around his head and neck region.

- A simple mistake that a lot of people make is drawing the body in a way that puts too much thickness around his neck area. It’s a big mistake to make. Try to keep the neck as thin as possible, but thick enough to have some basic lines around it.

8) Use a light pencil for the first draft and use medium-sized lines throughout the entire sketch. This will help you get used to your line style and ensure that you are uniform throughout.

- Another major mistake is that people make the mistake of using too thin lines to try and make their drawings look nicer. Contrast is important for any Bigfoot drawings, and if you use too thick of a line your drawing will look muddy. This goes the same for when people use too thin of a line, it breaks up the flow in weird ways and doesn’t give enough contrast.

9) Use a light pencil to sketch in his facial features first before going over them with black ink or a ballpoint pen. This applies to hair if you are drawing him hairy as well. Then go over the lines with a red marker or pen to get crisp edges and clean-cut lines.

- Another mistake that people make is not using enough of their shading skills. This is especially prevalent among beginners but nevertheless. Using a light pencil will help you figure out what colors work best for different parts of the body. You don’t want to go over everything in black, because this will block up your light sources and cause your drawing to be dark, which can be confusing at best and an eyesore at worst. You can still use black for the hair and other facial details, but you should have sufficient shading around some of his more important areas such as his torso or legs.

10) Experiment with different line weights and styles to see what you like best. Don’t change your technique too much, but give it a whirl and see what you like the most.

How Tall Is Bigfoot

Bigfoot is considered to be one of the most mysterious creatures in existence and is often discussed on social media and tabloids. Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, is a legend that has lived on since the early 1900s until today.  These monsters have been reported throughout the United States and Canada for years, but these sightings have increased dramatically over recent years. The most acclaimed stories are found in the Pacific Northwest, California, and the Pacific Coast of Canada where they are typically seen in forests. 

Bigfoot is also known for its huge height, which can range from seven feet to over nine feet tall. According to legend, Bigfoot is a giant bipedal ape-like creature that is black in color. There are very few records of the animal due to its hiding in the forest. In fact, many people believe that Bigfoot is a myth. This monster's diet is still a mystery, but some believe it to be an omnivore because of its sharp teeth and strong hands. It is also assumed that they live in a large family group, or a pack.

Has Bigfoot been filmed? Is it real? Where do they live? What do they eat? These are just some of the many questions about the world's most mysterious animal. It's a popular topic of folklore across the world. Bigfoot has been spotted in the United States, Canada, and Europe. It's not just an American tale. In this article, we will be discussing some of the most common questions about Bigfoot's height. Does Bigfoot have knees? How long are their arms? What are they made of? Is it possible that a human could grow to a similar size as them? Read on to find out answers to all these questions and more!


How Tall Is Bigfoot

First of all, we have to ask: how tall is Bigfoot?

Is Big Foot Really 10' Tall? Bigfoot Sightings? Bigfoot appears to be about 7-8 feet tall. They are usually reported to be between 7 to 8 feet tall and have a very muscular, stout build with large shoulders that make up most of their height. However, due to a lack of pictures with a definite reference point, it's impossible for us to know for sure if the bipedal creature photographed in 1967 was actually 8 or 9 1/2 feet tall.


So, what do the bigfoot experts have to say?

Bigfoot is a bipedal ape-like animal, and as of yet, no one has been able to produce conclusive evidence that it actually exists. It was generally said to be 7 feet tall, but some descriptions from the past stated that the creature was as large as 9 1/2 feet in height. In recent years it has been reported to be as tall as 8 feet and even 9 feet in some cases.

Other than eyewitness testimony, there are no documented photographs or physical evidence proving that the creature exists. The photos have been sketchy with people who claim to have taken sightings of the creature being very unreliable in their descriptions of what they saw. It has been said to have brown fur and is naturally black in color, but it is not known what color its eyes are.

Bigfoot is said to stand over 9 feet tall and to weigh upwards of 700 pounds. The animal is primarily brownish, with a shaggy appearance which makes it look like a huge bear. It uses its large arms as much as its legs when running or walking, and its long hair can be smelled by hunters when they are chasing the creature. Bigfoot is reported to travel in groups but is very wary of strangers.


When and where do they live?

Bigfoot has been reported in many areas throughout North America, but it is generally believed that it lives mainly in the Pacific Northwest, with sightings scattered through Canada and some parts of the United States. There have been tales of Bigfoot sightings from Maine to Texas for years, but a recent surge in reports suggests that the creature has gone global. There are many stories told about Bigfoot appearing during the late half of the 20th century, and claims that have surfaced since then. Some claim to even see them at night from their own homes and claim that they can also hear them walking through the woods around their homes.

Where Does Bigfoot Live

Where does bigfoot live you might be wondering? Well, the short answer is that there is no definitive answer as to where bigfoot lives. However, here are some of the most interesting locations people think bigfoot may be found: Mount McKinley National Park in Alaska, the Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina, and Pacific Northwest forests.

In fact, Bigfoot has been spotted all over North America, from Canada to Mexico. In the Pacific Northwest of the United States, there are many places that people claim have been inhabited by bigfoots. One spotting, in particular, occurred in October 1996 when two men claimed to see a "hairy biped" cross a lake and disappear into a forest outside of Seattle, Washington.

Bigfoot has also been spotted in the Appalachian Mountains as early as 1889! There was even a reported attack that occurred on September 6, 1974, when three men were in the woods and felt something hit them from behind. One man fell to the ground while two others ran away.

There was even a sighting reported in Mount McKinley National Park in Alaska! Two rangers noticed some large footprints, which were said to be about eighteen inches long and five inches wide.

Where Does Bigfoot Live

Another interesting location where bigfoot has been spotted is in the Sierra Nevada mountain range of California. There was even an attack reported near this area that occurred on August 16, 1969. A family was hiking when they found some large footprints in the soft rain-soaked earth near their campground. The next morning, they found yet more large footprints, and while they were walking their dog nearby, it suddenly ran off into the woods. They chased after the dog but lost sight of it near a creek bed with a thick thorny underbrush. The side of the creek was said to be covered in dense patches of wiry long grass, and the dog had run straight into this despite the fact that there had been no rain for several days.

Most bigfoot sightings occur in temperate forests with a canopy of mature conifers. These include the Cascade Mountains, Sierra Nevada, and the Rocky Mountains in the western United States, and the Coast Mountains of the western provinces of Canada. Some bigfoots even prefer to live in mountainous areas that are frequently covered in snow.

Other unusual locations where some people say they have seen the Bigfoot include: Little Buffalo Mountain in Oregon; A small inlet that forms off of Cape Cod Bay in Massachusetts; The Bald Head Hills area of North Carolina; And even the side of a road near Berkeley, California on the Cal Tech Campus.

Bigfoots probably live and hide in caves and such. Almost all bigfoots have been reported to be nocturnal, but some have been spotted during the day if it is light enough. What does Bigfoot do? Probably just lives in the woods and eats. They generally stay away from human settlements because they are very scared of us, so we shouldn't bother them.

It is possible that they are rare. their numbers are probably quite low due to the fact that they keep to themselves and don't really interact with humans at all. They do, however, live in families, perhaps related or mating. They probably eat only plants (we don't know much about them). They may have a language because of the way they make noises when they bark and growl, but we haven't heard any yet. They may not be much of a threat to humans as they do not attack or hurt anyone.

They live in forests or on mountainsides, where they keep to themselves and don't really bother anyone. They are very shy creatures though and don't want to hurt anyone. They are generally nocturnal, but some bigfoots have been spotted during the day. Bigfoots live in small, peaceful communities. They do not communicate with each other outside of their own community. They are also very secretive, and often you won't ever see a bigfoot because it's not going to be around to see you.

Bigfoots are as different as people, but there are some similarities as well as differences. One of the things that they all have in common is that they don't like to be around people. They are very shy creatures. They don't like to be around people mainly because they're afraid of being captured, but also because they are not comfortable around them.

Skunk Ape

The Skunk Ape, Stink Ape, or Swamp Monkey is a cryptic hominid said to dwell in the Southeastern United States, from places such as Oklahoma, North Carolina, and Arkansas, although reports from the Florida Everglades are particularly frequent (Florida skunk ape). Skunk ape sightings, while rare, have been reported all through Florida for more than six decades but by no means have been verified scientifically. Local Native American groups, the Seminoles and the Miccosukee tribe, have known and told stories about the skunk ape for hundreds of years.

Skunk Ape is a possible hybrid of humans and animals today. The skunk ape inhabits forested areas, often in swampy places where the air is moist, the skunk ape was said to be about seven feet high, built like a gorilla, and mostly covered in brown hair. It has the face of a human with long gray hair on its arms and neck. There are reports that the skunk ape may occasionally howl at night. The skunk ape is said to make a sound like a child crying, but deeper.

Skunk Ape

The skunk ape has also been called a swamp ape, swamp devil, or ghost monkey. It is also reported that they can climb trees well. Most reports seem to come from southern states in America. The skunk ape was first reported in the 1920s in Tampa, Florida. The creature was said to be hairless, with red glowing eyes and the face of a gorilla.

The skunk ape was also seen in Ochopee, Florida, and Alapaha River State Park, Georgia. Some people say that there has been a lot of deaths reported as they are blamed for some of these deaths by crushing the victim's skull or breaking their necks. In 2012 two hunters claimed to see a skunk ape in North Carolina.

A popular TV show called Finding Bigfoot aired an episode about what people call the skunk ape it aired on November 11th, 2014 on Animal Planet. The skunk ape is said to run through swamps or woods at night seeking food. It is reported that when the skunk ape is on land it walks upright with long well-developed legs and short arms. It has been described as having a low vocal sound. Skunk apes have been reported in Florida in the 1950s, then in the 1960s and 1970s in North Carolina, North Carolina. They have also been seen (or heard) in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Missouri.

Skunk ape stories of the 1960s have been re-told by several authors for decades and can be found on the internet today. They include a book published in 1978 called "The Skunk Ape" by Jack L. Bittner, which includes stories collected over many years from two Indian tribes. Two men survived an attack on their camp by a pack of skunk apes about 15 miles south of Miami around 1955 into 1956. A woman and her ten year old son were chased by a pack of skunk apes in 1963 in a wooded area near Tampa as they were going home after dark.

Florida skunk ape sightings have been verified by the local newspaper, The Hernando County Times in their March 29, 1977 edition. The report was filed by then Sheriff's Deputy Don E. Giles with the Sheriff's office describing an encounter he had while on patrol in Brooksville one night in 1976: "I turned my spotlight on this big ol' thing," Giles said. "The animal stood up and I could see its stomach was all wrinkled up like it was real upset." Giles said he left the vicinity after being followed for a short distance. He reported he had never seen anything like it before. Several sightings of a skunk ape-type creature were reported in the 1970s including an encounter in 1971 by a frightened couple traveling south on U.S. 41 near Trilby, Florida. The two told Hernando County deputies they were chased for over half an hour by "a gigantic, screaming monkey" which was covered with hair and stood upright as it ran along the road trying to get them to stop their car and get out. The creature ran ahead of and behind the car despite the fact that the driver attempted to pick up speed. The couple continued on their way and reported nothing further.

Is Bigfoot Real

Is Bigfoot real? Sasquatch is a huge creature, and it is thought to live up in the northern regions of North America. It is a type of ape that can walk upright. Its extraordinary size has long been debated as well as whether or not it exists at all. The existence of Bigfoot has been debated for years, and some people believe that there is no way that it could be real. However, there are plenty of people who believe in its existence. If indeed the Sasquatch does exist, there are many questions that need to be answered. This post explores the existence of Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot, and will help you understand the facts behind this well-known urban legend that has persisted for centuries.

One of the main reasons why people believe in Bigfoot is because it stands to reason that if there are so many people who have claimed to have seen this creature, then it must be real. After all, these people have a lot of credibility when they go on about their experiences, don't they? The short answer is no, they don't. There are so many hoaxers out there that it is almost impossible to tell the difference between the real stories and the fake ones. The reason people keep coming back to this creature in their constant search in the woods is because they want to believe that this animal exists. If they could only prove that it does then many people would be satisfied and leave it alone. We begin to wonder if we lived in the forest for a long time, would we encounter this creature? How would we even know that we had seen it if it is so dark inside the forest?

Is Bigfoot  Real

The fact is that there are many hoaxes and people who have been willing to lie about it. But then again this does not mean that there is no such creature at all. There could still be a Sasquatch, just so long as you don't get yourself lost in the forest or remote areas where it could hide and ambush you. The fact of the matter is that Bigfoot might not exist, but it will always persist in our minds because of our curiosity.

Some have suggested that this creature might be a descendant of an orangutan which must have migrated from Indonesia, while others have other theories altogether. Nobody really knows for sure, but it is always best to be prepared when you are in the forest so that you will not miss out on the opportunity to encounter one. So if it is true that dozens and dozens of people have made incredible claims about seeing this creature in the forests, has anyone come forward with 100% proof or photographic evidence? No. When you look at all the evidence gathered over many years, there really isn't enough to prove that Bigfoot exists. However, there are several unexplained incidents that provide a tantalizing glimpse into a world that no one really knows about.

Could it be that this hoax is perpetrated by a few people who have nothing better to do with their time while we are looking for evidence of this creature? I guess it wouldn't be the first time something like that happened. Not everybody believes that this was just a hoax though. One group of people who have their own theories are the Sasquatch researchers. They believe this creature could be real and have built much of their knowledge on witnesses who have come forward with their intriguing accounts about seeing these creatures. There are also some scientists who have studied the DNA of these creatures and have come to the conclusion that they are real. Most of their research is based on the behavior of animals since Bigfoot is believed to be an animal.

The bottom line is that there is not much concrete evidence out there regarding this creature and all of the information available is anecdotal in nature. There are no 100% proven real pictures or videos of this creature, nor are there any physical remains. The only way to find out for sure if this creature exists is to go out into the woods and do some exploring. However, a lot of people do believe in it, even including some celebrities like James Woods who has said he believes there are real-life creatures that live in forested regions all over Canada and the United States. So while there isn't any clear-cut proof, it certainly makes you wonder what might exist up in those Canadian forests that no one really knows about.

Summary: Bigfoot is a huge creature, and it is thought to live up in the northern regions of North America. It is a type of ape that can walk upright. Its extraordinary size has long been debated as well as whether or not it exists at all. The Bigfoot field is a very interesting one, and I sure would love to go looking for this creature. Do you believe in this creature at all? If so, what do you think it could be? Write me back with your thoughts on this.